Friday, March 20, 2020
Agriculture Term Paper Guide Professional Writing in a Few Steps
Agriculture Term Paper Guide Professional Writing in a Few Steps A term paper is an important final stage of students activities, which he/she did throughout the specific course. Such assignments often scare learners, because it seems impossible to link different kinds of research into a single piece, isolate the key moment on which the report will be based, and overcome all possible barriers. However, in practice, a term essay does not represent a real complexity if you follow the instructions and perform each action sequentially. Moreover, the creation of such a report can be much easier than previous tasks, because its writing requires the use of already available information, which has been thoroughly explored during the study of the discipline. The agriculture term paper guide provided below will assist you in creating a well-structured term paper and will reveal possible pitfalls that could happen on your way. What Is an Agriculture Term Paper? Throughout the academic term, you have studied many topics related to agriculture. They could either be theoretical or be your own research projects. If looking globally, your agriculture term paper should summarize all the information you have received and provide the conclusions you have made in the learning process. In other words, it is a kind of academic qualification work: it shows how well you know certain basic competencies in the field of agriculture. The writing of a term paper is the development and consolidation of certain skills, especially your ability to create an independent text in the genre of academic writing, expound your own and other peoples thoughts reasonably, clearly, and consistently as well as observe the basic formalities of an academic qualification work. In addition, writing the term paper develops your ability to work with sources of information systematically and purposefully. All these skills will be useful for you in the future life if you decide to link your career with agriculture. Therefore, your term paper is the final research work, which purpose is: consolidation, synthesis, and deepening of knowledge on Agriculture; consolidation of skills in working with scientific literature and electronic sources; formation of skills for problem-solving within the Agriculture discipline; independent generalization, analysis, modeling, assessment of the influence of factors, and comparison of different points of view on the problem under study; summarizing the information studied; evaluation of the influence of the studied material on the formation of your personal and professional experience. Agriculture Term Paper Tips on Preliminary Notes Ideally, you should start preparing to write the term paper when you are assigned the first assignment during the semester. Mind that timely preparation allows you to facilitate the process of writing your final report to a large extent. So, every time you perform another task (for example, writing a research or theoretical paper, conducting surveys or field experiments, and others), you must develop the habit of keeping preliminary notes. What Are They Needed For? They will allow you to make a brief summary of the work done to recall its features over time with ease. They help to highlight the key points and topics that seem most important to you or are important for writing the term essay. For example, agriculture is evolving, the use of biotechnology is actively developing in agriculture, agriculture can positively affect the environment, and so on. They will help you to systematize the information received as its complexity increases or in the context of individual subtopics. In the process of making preliminary notes, you can state your thoughts, reflections or suggestions on the topic in question. For example, during the assessment of the ecological state of a poultry farm, I noted that the level of various toxicants is exceeded in feed and meat of birds. Therefore, the research on the ways to improve the environmental safety of feed products can become an important topic for future research. Such notes will help you formulate key findings for each individual task, which will subsequently provide significant support in writing the term paper. How to Make Preliminary Notes? Our Writers Know: Always have a sheet of paper for notes and a pen at hand. Take notes systematically, without missing a single topic. The notes should be short. Outline the key points only. The preliminary notes should be presented on paper only after the completion of the assignment done in order to have time to consider the topic comprehensively and exclude erroneous conclusions. Each note entry should correspond to the topic under study to avoid mixing information. Do not hesitate to ask your instructor or academic supervisor for advice. The preliminary notes will help you when writing the term essay, especially when you are describing your personal and professional experience. Selecting a Relevant Topic for the Agriculture Term Paper During the semester, you have to face a lot of topics. Nevertheless, the term paper should summarize them all and provide some general conclusion that seems difficult. However, you should remember that your thematic assignments intersect each other throughout the reporting academic term in one way or another, so you should find one general topic that affects these previous works directly or indirectly. The choice should be made as follows: View your previous papers carefully and refresh your memory regarding their features. Explore your preliminary notes with paying attention to the highlighted points. The topic should be interesting to you. It is desirable that you can continue working on it further. The proper formulation of the topic is the key to the successful completion of the final paper. Your supervisor will help you in this matter. In this way, among all your completed assignments, you can find a common theme that will become a key point in your term essay. Considering the past stages, it will be necessary to formulate all the conclusions in terms of interaction with the chosen topic. For example, during the semester, you studied the following topics: Use of Advanced Technologies in Agriculture; Agriculture the Evolution or Degradation; The Impact of Climatic Conditions on Agriculture; Contamination of Agricultural Lands with Toxicants; Features of Organic Farming; Sustainable Agriculture, as a Factor in Improving the Environment. You have the preliminary notes and a general impression on each of these topics. It is necessary to find the one that would unite all these studies and would be relevant for its further consideration. For example, the generalized topics may be the following ones: environmental sustainability in agriculture; ways to make agriculture safe and environment-friendly; environmental problems in agriculture and ways to minimize them. As you can see, the proposed topics combine assignments, which you performed earlier, which means that they can be the basis for the term paper. Key Points to Mind Working on an Agriculture Term Paper In order for the final essay to meet the stated goal, it must include three mandatory items that will disclose the characteristics of the work on agriculture that you have performed: The main thesis statement and description of the selected key idea. At the very beginning of the final paper, you should interest those who will read it afterward. The explanation of your main topic, as well as its problems, relevance, and significance for future research, are the basis of all the work done. You may express your interest, show your personal interpretation of the observed events and phenomena, and apply your own skills and qualifications. In addition, remember that you must adhere to the stated thesis or hypothesis throughout the entire writing of the essay and link all the analyzed items with it, thereby confirming or, conversely, refuting it. For example, the relevance of the issue of environmental protection in agriculture is increasing in modern conditions in connection with the processes of pollution of natural resources used in agricultural production. Violation of the natural balance of the environment is associated with the intensification of agricultural production without proper assessment and accounting of the natural resource potential of agriculture (the mechanization of many processes, melioration, excessive or deep plowing of fields, high concentration of production, use of mineral fertilizers, pesticides, and so on), which has negatively affected the quality of the soil and its fertility. Summary analysis and characteristics of the work done. In this part, you will need your preliminary notes and the information base of your previous papers. The best option is to break this stage into several ones, in each of which you will briefly characterize one particular study you have conducted. For this purpose, you need to point out the purpose and the main research question of each paper as well as describe your observations and thoughts that arose in the process of making them. It is also necessary to show results and draw conclusions. It is desirable that these results would be supported by practical examples from your works. In this section, you can add statistical information on aspects of agricultural activities. However, they must strictly intersect with the stated topic. Each paragraph should adhere to the initially stated thesis and explain how the work relates to it, and what significance the findings have for highlighting this direction. At the end of this section, you should draw a general conclusion on all your research projects and confirm your assumption regarding the topic that you have chosen. Evaluation of the work done and experience gained. This item will include your subjective vision of the significance of the work done. In it, you must raise the studied topics once again and then draw a conclusion about what experience you have gained and why it will be necessary for you in the future. For example, in the process of observing the peculiarities of plowing agricultural lands, I concluded that modern mechanical devices conduct excessively deep plowing of the soil, which can adversely affect its ecological balance in the future. The experience gained is necessary for future research and development related to ensuring the safety of the environment and minimizing the adverse impact of agriculture on the ecological situation. Also, additional points may be such sections: Barriers and obstacles identified in the course of work. In this paragraph, you can tell what difficulties you encountered and why they arose. Also, you can offer your or someones solution that will help overcome such obstacles in the future and improve the effectiveness of the work. Suggestions for future research. Based on the areas studied, you can choose one direction that you would like to develop further. It can touch the topics already studied directly, or be the information that you encountered in the process of your research accidentally and without planning. You can indicate the importance it has for the topic of agriculture, and what scientific value it can bring in the future. So, have a look at a possible structure of your agriculture term paper: Writing and Post-Writing Tips: Get Ready to Submitting In the process of writing the agriculture term paper, it is recommended to adhere to the following points: The final essay should demonstrate progress in your learning and gradual mastery of the necessary competencies. The primary core competency is the high-grade and adequate representation and reflection of the required information. It is important to demonstrate the skills of searching and organizing information from the specialized literature on your topic. That is, in the process of writing the term essay, cite peer-reviewed sources as often as possible. Arrange your paper properly. This point is especially true for the correct design of references, citations, and bibliographic arrangement of works. You must demonstrate the ability to work with other peoples studies and distinguish them from yours. Constantly work on your style and syntax of your sentences. Pay attention to how the texts that you read are written. Use appropriate reference books and apply correct words. Do not be afraid to seek help from your instructor. It does not indicate your lack of knowledge. On the contrary, it means that you are striving to make your term paper as good and effective as possible. In addition, the instructor can help you formulate an elusive thought or turn your ideas in the right direction. The Main Criteria for Assessing the Agriculture Term Paper You should be aware of the assessment criteria because, in this case, you can stick to them during the process of writing your agriculture term paper. It should be remembered that the topic of agriculture is very broad, so the vagueness of formulations and generalized characteristics that do not have a narrow focus can reduce the quality of your work. As a rule, the evaluation criteria for the term essays are as follows: The paper must be well-structured and organized; Your judgments and reflections must be supported by evidence; The content of the term paper must be consistent with the stated topic; The work should contain a qualitative analysis; An extended range of questions for analysis is desirable; The paper must be informative and reflect clear thoughts; You must use peer-reviewed sources and cite them correctly; Do not forget about literacy and accuracy. Finally, remember the most important point writing an agriculture term paper is not a difficulty. However, preliminary preparation and accurate adherence to the recommendations is the key to the success.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
The 3-Step Change Management Process That Will Boost Your Career
The 3-Step Change Management Process That Will Boost Your Career Over the course of 40 years, Dr. John Kotter developed an 8-step change management process. Its scope is incredible. And its worked in organizations big and small for decades. Do you want to lead change in your team, your company, or even in your own life? If so, theres huge value there. As marketers, though, we can take a leaner approach and apply it even faster even by the time youre done reading this post. This post is for you if you want to: Lead lasting change in your marketing team, Transform the way you (and your team) work, And become more productive than ever. The 3-Step Change Management Process That Will Boost Your Career by @jordan_loftis via @The 3-Step Change Management Process That Will Boost Your Career You will learn three simple steps to leading (and sustaining) change. Create a sense of urgency. Take action and find quick wins. Go back through the loop to sustain momentum. As youll see, each step is directly driven by your teams goal. At , we talk a lot about goals why? Theyre incredibly important. In fact, our own research shows marketers who set goals are 429% more likely to be successful than those who dont. Im not talking about fluffy New Years resolutions, either. (^^^ After all, the University of Scranton found that 92% of people who make those resolutions dont hit them.) Instead, were tackling specific and challenging goals, which the classic study, Goal Setting And Task Performance, found was a linchpin of success. Specific means there is a number and a deadline on your calendar. Challenging means it will achieve significant growth in your team, organization, or personal career. For example, you may want to leverage this change management process to revolutionize the way your team works. Leverage this change management process to revolutionize the way your team works.The Specific And Challenging Goal To Fuel Your Change Management Process We work with thousands of marketers in over 100 countries. Our customers range from companies like Microsoft to agencies and lean marketing teams. One thing unites them all: they are done with the old, outmoded, crappy way marketing works. Theyre sick of endless spreadsheets Theyre over confusing email threads Theyve had it with single-function tools that werent built for marketers in the first place We call the old way of doing things makeshift marketing. And it refers to mashing disconnected tools into one martech stack. And thousands of smart marketers are sick of letting it gobble up their budgets and productivity. While thousands have defeated this ugly beast its taken a dead-serious approach to do so. In this case, setting the specific and challenging goal of transforming from the old way things worked, to the new way. You have to overcome the reality of change aversion. This is our natural inclination to resist change and even to reject a new solution as bad because its different. You have to fight this in your team - and even in yourself. Setting a specific and challenging goal is your first step. It might look something like this: We will refine all of our marketing processes for maximum efficiency by July 1, 2018. Your goal specifically outlines the change youre after AND puts a date on the calendar. This is the focusing force of your new change management process: Create a sense of urgency around accomplishing your goal. Enable action toward your goal by racking up quick wins. Sustain positive momentum even after your goal is accomplished. Step One: Create A Sense Of Urgency First up, lets talk urgency. Recently, I met with my boss, our head of demand generation. Id been working on a project with a pretty important goal. And while I was working hard, my progress didnt have quite the velocity we needed it to. So we had a frank conversation. He told me, Were accelerating the timeline. Were hitting your goal this week, not next month. Thats right my roadmap had a few weeks left to make the project successful. After this conversation, there was just five days! Thankfully, Nathan didnt simply dump an impossible deadline on my shoulders. He offered to go shoulder to shoulder and help accelerate growth. And in just five days, we accomplished what Id planned on achieving in weeks. How did we do this? Urgency. Urgency is a force or impulse that impels or constrains. And its a productive marketers secret weapon. It makes you focus, prioritize, and then act. Urgency makes you focus, prioritize, and then act.How To Create A Sense Of Urgency With Loss Aversion Now, what is your goal? There are many levers to pull to increase urgency in accomplishing it but the most powerful is loss aversion. Research has shown: For human beings â€Å"losses loom larger than gainsand the pain of losing is psychologically about twice as powerful as the pleasure of gaining. (Kahneman Tversky, 1979) If youve ever done any conversion copywriting, you understand this. People prefer to avoid loss rather than acquiring equivalent gains. For example, whats more compelling to you not losing $100 you have? or gaining $100 you dont have? Psychologically, we work harder to avoid loss than to make gains. This is the first lever you can pull to create a sense of urgency. Ask yourself: What will I lose if I dont meet [your goal] by [specific date]? The bigger the goal, the more you have to lose by not hitting it. As depressing as this may sound, its actually invigorating to see whats really at stake if you (and your team) do not change. Step Two: Enable Action With Minimum Viable Marketing (MVM) Next in our change management process, take action and get to quick wins with minimum viable marketing. It helps you quickly test ideas to learn what works - and what doesnt - before you heavily invest into marketing campaigns or projects destined for failure. In Garrett Moons new book, 10x Marketing Formula, he devotes an entire chapter to Minimum Viable Marketing (MVM). He explains: The MVM concept stems from the minimum viable product (MVP) methodology, which was popularized in the world of startups by Eric Ries in a book called The Lean Startup. At their essence, MVPs are a way of quickly validating business ideas by producing the minimum number of features to satisfy early customer or audience needs. The MVP process decreases risk by testing assumptions against reality. For our simple change management process, MVM is the perfect framework for action. First, because it enables you and your team to rack up quick wins that get fast results and build momentum. Second, because it actually allows you to decrease long-term risk by testing ideas in small before you roll them out in large. Heres an excellent example Garrett cites in 10x Marketing Formula: Use A Minimum Viable Project Mentality In 1981 American Airlines was in dire financial straits. They were low on cash and high on expenses. This is never a good place to be. To pull themselves from the money pit, they cooked up what seemed a clever, homerun of a marketing campaign. To get millions dripping into their coffers, they offered unlimited first-class travel for life for $250,000. To most of us, a quarter-million bucks sounds steep (and it’s roughly $600,000 in today’s dollars). However, to the consumers who spend as much time in the air as they do on the ground, this was an incredibly good deal. A Los Angeles Times interview recounts one of the frequent flyers who took advantage of this deal: â€Å"We thought originally it would be something that firms would buy for top employees,†said Bob Crandall, American’s chairman and chief executive from 1985 to 1998. â€Å"It soon became apparent that the public was smarter than we were.†The unlimited passes were bought mostly by wealthy individuals, including baseball Hall-of-Famer Willie Mays, America’s Cup skipper Dennis Conner and computer magnate Michael Dell. Mike Joyce of Chicago bought his in 1994 after winning a $4.25-million settlement after a car accident. In one 25-day span this year, Joyce flew round trip to London 16 times, flights that would retail for more than $125,000. He didn’t pay a dime. â€Å"I love Rome, I love Sydney, I love Athens,†Joyce said by phone from the Admirals Club at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. â€Å"I love Vegas and Frisco.†American Airlines soon went upside down on this big bet- and they still kept it going for nearly ten years! Oops. This historic marketing blunder is a good lesson for us 10x marketers. Because this story is far from an isolated incident. Here’s how it goes. A giant X-factor company puts loads of money into a big campaign. Problem is, this campaign does more harm than good. And whether money is lost from lack of sales, or poorly projected financial impact, the big bet goes belly up. So, test your assumptions by building in stages to learn as quickly as possible. Use MVM In 3 Steps With The Lean Feedback Loop This method of MVM capitalizes on what startups call a â€Å"lean feedback loop.†It works in three stages: Build it. What projects or ideas will do you believe will help you quickly reach your goal? What lean version of this idea can you launch to test it and get quick results? Measure it. Is the idea working? What key data points who if youre toward your goal, remaining stagnant, or even shrinking? Learn from it. Based on key metrics is the idea working, and therefore worth investing more time, energy, and resources into? By working the change management process in this way, youll notice you are concerned with learning as much as winning. Learning is winning. Lets look at some example projects Launching A Podcast With A Lean Loop Build: Smartphone recording of pilot podcast episode shared as a key blog post. Measure: Measure traffic, number of listens or downloads, and listen to comments. Learn: Will a podcast be a viable marketing channel between us and our target audience at this stage? Timeline: One week. Rebranding With A Lean Loop Build: Start with core positioning statements, value propositions, and key messaging. Measure: Present the messaging to sales and target customers on calls for one week to gauge resonance. Record all calls for the marketing team to review. Learn: If the messaging is clear and relevant, continue to the next stages. But repeat this process of testing each major element before investing further. Timeline: One week. Adopting New Marketing Strategy, Processes, Or Tools Build: Get a free demo of the software with a real person. Ask questions specifically about how it would work for your team. Then, hold a kickoff meeting with your team to introduce them to the new tool. Measure: Set benchmarks for success. What results are you working for? What numbers will tell you if your new tool is growing them? Learn: Look at the data and make the call. Does your team like the process? Has your tool made your life easier? Are you getting closer to your goals? Timeline: Two weeks. Step Three: Sustain The Momentum Of Your Change Management Process Now that youve gotten results, its time to sustain the momentum youve created. There are tons of amazing books to help you get better marketing results There are game-changing marketing strategies you can adopt There are clever ways to 10x your ROI in short order but the truth is, none of it matters if you dont maintain the results youre getting. This third step is the most important. Why? If you rest on yesterdays success, you will be tomorrows failure. Thankfully, this can be the easiest part of the process. To sustain momentum, propel your team back into the process of urgency and action.
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