Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Plight of Workers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Plight of Workers - Assignment Example In the early long stretches of twentieth century there was a gigantic inflow of settlers in the United States of America. Poor people outsiders were enticed into America by the supposed bottomless chances. Upon appearance they gave a supply of modest work to processing plants and different organizations. The incapacitated apartments were the dwelling place of decision for a large number of them. The houses had no spotless water or sewerage framework. Life in these ghettos was unbearable.1 Chicago was deliberately situated with a steers raising hinterland. This offered ascend to a mammoth meat pressing area which required thousand of incompetent work. It was a city of appear differently in relation to wonderful structures claimed by the processing plant proprietors and the ghettos lodging the workers. The working condition was similar to subjugation and the meat pressing procedure was unfortunate. Aside from the hopelessness in the meat pressing manufacturing plants, the foulness and toxics from the production lines discovered their way into the neighborhood streams. The whole grotesque circumstance is caught through the term of a settler Lithuanian family. It portrays their battles to adjust to another life and a progression of adversity that comes to pass for them all the while. Upon appearance the future looks splendid with possibilities of landing positions in the butcher house.2 The cheer size of the vile conditions isn't just confirm by the decrepit structures lodging the laborers yet the land whereupon the houses are constructed. It is a waste land recovered by filling soil mining pits with trash coming about to an unending odor. Jurgis in any case, sees the thought as a splendid advancement. This thought delineates a typical accept of numerous workers who were floated by thought of being in the place that is known for circumstances. Jurgis can not comprehend the negative height of his kindred laborers in the butcher house. Be that as it may, gradually he experiences scenes in his work place and outside which causes him to understand everything isn't well. He understands pregnant dairy animals are butchered for meat illegal and Antana’s questionable proposition for employment. Maybe the single occasion that in the long run prompts the separation of Jurgis’ family is the endeavor to buy a house. Aside from the troubles in raising the necessary sum they find the agreement is fake. The house is worth a lot not exactly showed and there are concealed intrigue charges. The resulting money related weight touches off a progression of occasions that in the long run breaks the family’s American dream that attracted them into America in any case. All individuals from the family including kids are sent to work so as to keep the family monetarily above water. Considering the money related weight the family is confronting Ona is quiet of her assault difficulty by her chief. Once Jurgis learns of the experience he battles Onaà ¢â‚¬â„¢s chief and he is in this manner imprisoned for thirty days. With the exit of Jurgis the principle supporter of their home undertaking, they are ousted. The family endures anguish and disappointment which results to the demise of a few of the relatives. Blue, Jurgis turns into a vagabond jumping here and there is search of comfort and work. In the long run he returns back to Chicago and sets out on crimes. The changed Jurgis plans to hit back to the general public against which he is abused. He takes part in exercises running from robbing to apparatus of the political race. Anyway he neglects to improve his fortune through this way until he coincidentally unearths a Socialist Party
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Nude in Weatern Tradition essays
The Nude in Weatern Tradition papers The portrayal of the bare female model by a male craftsman in oil painting has assumed a critical job in the western custom in the course of the most recent 500 years. The oil painting of the female bare is dependent upon the craftsmen translation of her structure. She is influenced by the specialists want for his model, just as his craft and she is conflicted between the craftsmen powerlessness to be both sweetheart and painter. Hubert Damischs The Underneaths of Painting enables the peruser to comprehend the significance of the male painters imaging of the female structure. By examining Balzacs Unknown Masterpiece, Damisch reveals a few digressions to the one of a kind connection among specialists and the ladies they make on canvas. Balzac comes clean with a story of behind the imaginative procedure of a craftsman and the manner in which he sees his vision when at last finished in oil. Poussin is a youthful painter who doesnt very see how the ideas of want and love will influence the view of his model, and sweetheart, Gilette. He before long sets out on an excursion that takes him underneath the paint: Under the paint and as its fact, rather and in the spot of the supposed picture, the trade accepting its last evident face: a lady for an image and a lady for what shapes (or should) its subject. It is now in the image where the underground, archeological nearness of the lady uncovers itself, that something is given to see, something that can be spoken, that can be named, something in addition alive, flavorful, an a dependable balance for want; in a word, something that takes a gander at us dissimilar to the unspeakable mass of paint that holds it hostage, (Damisch 202). There are numerous layers of paint put on to one canvas, however the picture isnt obvious immediately, she should develop through the brushstrokes. At the point when the last brush of paint tou ... <!
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Quotes This page contains quotes from Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Benjamin Franklin! Albert Einstein Quotes:Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.â€I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.Thomas Edison Quotes (invented the light bulb)Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.I am not discouraged, because eve ry wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.Benjamin Franklin Quotes (discovered electricity)“He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything elseâ€â€œDo not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.â€â€œBy failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.â€
Friday, May 22, 2020
Changing Workplace And Workforce Expectations Business Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 17 Words: 5083 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? The key objective of this literature review is to provide a general survey of relevant theories, academic approaches, available studies and analysis on forecasted shifts in science, technology, communications, geopolitics, and economics between today and 2030 and the impact these factors will have on corporate workforce, employment models and the role of a leader in organization and leadership competencies. The horizon line for strategic planning and forecasts in most cases typically ranges from three months to five years. Trying to imagine what the world of business will be like 20 years from now is a challenging and noble goal but a researcher is exposed to several risks. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Changing Workplace And Workforce Expectations Business Essay" essay for you Create order One of them is to be too futuristic and end up with a science fiction which would have a little correspondence to the objective reality. The importance of the literature search is to avoid this trap and ground the dissertation on realistic, reliable and reasonable facts and evidences. It will also support the designing of research methodology and developing relevant questionnaire for conducting interviews with IBM and non IBM top management and executives. The scope of literature research The business is entering a new era in history undergoing serious changes caused by globalization, economic rise of new regions, dramatic shifts in demographics, science, technology, communications and geopolitics. The research community and leading multinational companies have already embarked on a series of forward-looking discussions to consider the macro trends driving business change in the decades to come, and the implications that will result for business and leaders who will drive the future success. The forecasts and researches done in this area cover such topics as: changing world changing workplace and workforce expectations new employment models and employee engagement instruments that would help business navigate in the future potential leadership styles needed in an organization with new and emerging employment relationships roles and accountabilities a leader of the future will have and potential challenges the leader need to be prepared for The Changing World There are many factors in the environment that affect the organizations and the decisions of the leaders of each organization. Huczynski and Buchanan (2007) argue that the world out there influences the world in there (Figure 1). Internal organization structures, processes and behaviors Lead to External environment factor, trends and developments change in Figure 1 The external environment external environment organization link There are different environmental scanning techniques to analyze the changing external environment. To build the vision of the future and understand the big picture of the macro-environmental influences PESTLE analysis concept (Figure 2) will be used. A PESTLE analysis is often used as a generic orientation tool, finding out where an organization or product is in the context of what is happening outside that will at some point affect what is happening inside an organization (CIPD, 2010). Figure 1. PESTLE Analysis Political factors Most of the researchers agree that by 2025 there will be a global multi-polar system with rise of China, India and some others. Power will be more dispersed with the newer players bringing new rules of the game while risks will increase that the traditional Western alliances will weaken (Global Trends 2025: Transformed World, 2008). USA will remain the provider of global security (FreeWorldAcademy, 2005) but will have to share the power with other new players. Researches expect China becomes a democratic country in 2030 and gain more political power. Some experts also expect greater Asian regionalism by 2025, which may lead to establishment of new quasi-blocks: North America, Europe and East Asia and new wave of political and economical competition (Global Trends 2025: Transformed World, 2008). The potential for conflict and instability is expected to increase in Middle East and North Africa. At the same time McKinsey Global Institute predicts the acceleration of Africas growth where government actions will manage to end political conflicts and improve business climate (McKinsey Global Institute, 2010). Its also expected that global negotiations between regional blocks and national governments on major issues for the planet, such as biodiversity, natural resources, energy policy and trade regulation will increase and possible result in establishment of new alliances and communities. Driven by higher world population, competition for natural resources, pollution levels Green will become fundamental geo-political and business imperative for the planet. Economic factors GLOBALISATION By 2030 the world will become flatter with an expanded base of financial power where barriers to the flow of goods, capital or knowledge will be almost removed (A View of the World in 2030, ACCA, 2010) which will more regulation on a global level. Its also expected that the global power will shift to emerging markets. This statement confirms Goldman Sachs Group Inc . that the market value of emerging-market stocks may grow more to $80 trillion in two decades, overtaking developed nations, as China becomes the worlds largest stock market (Bloomberg, 2010). Multiple centers of economic power will be distributed around the globe and organizations/countries will need to be culturally adaptable to compete in global markets Figure 2. demonstrates forecasted transition of GDP by 2030. Figure 2. Transition of GDP 2030 (Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, 2010) The transfer of global wealth and economic power roughly from West to East, is the most discussable topic in most of the reports and forecasts. This shift can be explained by several reasons : increases in oil and commodity prices generated big profits for the Gulf states and Russia lower costs combined with government policies have shifted the focus of manufacturing and some service industries to Asia power will shift to the places with political and economic stability (Gl obal Trends 2025, 2008) The world GNI will also undergo the evolution and regional repartition. As indicated on Figure 3. it is expected to reach 94,290 $Billion in 2030 comparing to 39,305 $Billion in 2004. 2004 2030 World GNI 39,305 94,290 Population 6,480 8,200 World income per capita 6,065 11,500 Figure 3. World GNI 2004 2030 (Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, 2010) This economic trend implies an average growth rate of 3.4% over 26 years. Compared to the population growth rate 1%, it means that the world income per capita will increase by 2.4% per year over the period Asia becomes a strong visible player in the regional GNI repartition (Figure 4). Figure 4. Evolution of the main economic zone in % of the world GNI (Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, 2010) Asias emerging consumers are likely to assume the traditional role of the US and European middle classes as global consumers, and to play a key role in rebalancing the worlds economy. Estimated $4.3 trillion in annual expenditures in 2008 becomes $32 trillion in 2030 and comprise about 43% of worldwide consumption (2030 GDP Forecast, Future growth of Asian Countries, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, 2010) S everal researches and reports expect the rising BRIC powers which might collectively generate the original G-7s share of global GDP by 2040-2050 (Global Trends 2025, 2008). Meanwhile other sources suggest that new business opportunities will significantly rise in so-called BIICS-Brazil, India, Indonesia, China, and South Africa-shaping up to be business hot spots for many years to come (Working Beyond Borders: Insights from the Global Chief Human Resources Officer Study, IBM, 2010). But the truly new business frontier is named Africa where a group of countries already demonstrated ability to improve macroeconomic conditions, privatised state-owned enterprises, increased openness of trade and lowered corporate taxes, strengthened regulatory and legal systems, provided critical physical and social infrastructure(McKinsey Global Institute, 2010). The rate of return on foreign investment is currently higher than in any other developing region. These factors make this region very attr active for further business development and investments. According to Paul Nunes, Executive Research Fellow at the Accenture Institute for High Performance: Businesses not planning and acting now [to get into Africa] will miss the boat as many did when it came to China. Researchers forecast the standards of living will have risen by 2030. Number of high income people will increase by 8%, number of low income will decrease by 14% but inequalities will remain (Global Trends 2025, 2008). In essence, the economic world will look different than the world today. There will be multiple centers of economic powers, new players will mount the economic and political scene creating new business opportunities, overall, globalized and multi-polar world which will require organizations to re-think their strategies and re-shape their businesses to take full advantage of new opportunities and prosper. Social factors The next 20 years will be characterized by serious and inevitable demog raphic changes and shifts and their economic, political and social impacts will be enormous. Researchers highlight key demographics marked trends of years to come. World population will increase to 8.2 billion by 2030 with the largest increase projected in Asia and Africa and less than 3% will occur in Europe, USA, Canada, Japan (Global Trends 2025, 2008) Figure.. Population shifts will continue Africa will have the worlds largest working-age population. In 2008 the continent had more than 500 million working-age people and by 2040 its forecasted to exceed 1.1 bln (Figure, 6). Its an open question whether Africa will be able to educate its workforce to make it serious engine for business world. Figure 6. Working-age population 1950-2040 (McKinsey Global Institute, 2010) Longevity will increase significantly almost everywhere and the number of people aged 80 years or over will grow (Figure). Coming decades will be defined by the largest demographic group ever seen. By 2030 at least 3 generations having different mindset, background, expectations and attitudes will meet together in one society and work together for the same employers. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division people will be more individualistic and will forge lifestyles based on their own needs rather than social expectations norm will be to work much of the time from home or in small community hubs to avoid carbon costs and charge of lenghthy commutes more people will work as freelancers and neo-nomads expecting more autonomy and freedom power will shift where there is political and economic stability Technological factors Most of researchers emphasize the role of technology in fostering the innovation and bringing about change. Technology will be all-prevasive and universal serving as a key driver for economic and social shifts. L. Gratton (2011) suggests that technology will influence workforce and workplace in many ways the way people communicate wit h each other, their expectations and even their views on morality and human nature The internet Cloud will deliver low-cost computing services and enable the shift from working as an isolated individual to working collaboratively in a joined world regardless country and time zone of staying (McKinsey and Company, 2010). People across the world will be able to access enormous information including digitalized knowledge. Increased capacity to combine and connect know-how, share knowledge, information and best practices spending significantly less time to send and receive information will lead to people being more interconnected, united by new communities and networks (IBM, 2010). More than 5 bln people will be connected to mobile services (The Economist, 2011) and overall speed of live will rise. The other change which is expected to influence the workforce is massive crowd of computers replacing people in a number of jobs. Forcing the economic growth and social transformation t echnology will continue to reshape consumer needs, requirements, access to information, choice and interactivity models and demand companies to tap the power of technology to improve their competitive advantage (McKinsey and Company, 2010). Legislative factors The expected changes to happen in the world will place a pressure on labor regulation to force their activities in accommodating a networked, open and competitive world. The worldwide focus on growth will require companies to fundamentally rethink how they manage human resources and overcome barriers. Based on IBM 2010 Global CHRO Study, emerging ways of attracting talent like outsourcing, crowdsourcing, use of freelancers, bringing back retired workers which will assume ever greater importance and necessity to mange new forms of employments will require governments not only to develop new labor regulations but also modern information security norms and standards. The highest standards of corporate citizenship will be re quired by talent, by governments, by the media. There may not be world law in the foreseeable future, but the worlds legal systems will be networked. The Global Legal Information Network (GLIN), a database of local and national laws for more than 50 participating countries, will grow to include more than 100 counties by 2010. The database will lay the groundwork for a more universal understanding of the diversity of laws between nations and will create new opportunities for peace and international partnership. -Joseph N. Pelton, Toward a Global Rule of Law: A Practical Step Toward World Peace, Nov-Dec 2007, p. 25 Environmental There is a significant pressure to expect by 2030 driven by significant growth in world economy and population and rising aspirations for better standards living. As describe by OECD (Environmental Outlook to 2030, 2008) there are several key environmental challenges the humanity will have to deal with: climate change, biodiversity and renewable natu ral resources, water, air quality, waste management. To respond to these challenges governments will have to take the responsibility and proactively start developing a serious of actions to protect the environment. Business and consumers will play a key role to help prevent future environment problems. Its obvious that Green will become fundamental geo-political and business imperative for the planet. Changing workplace and workforce expectations Emery and Trist (1965) developed a typology describing four types of environment in which organizations operate and identified the appropriate organizational response. Environmental analysis with PESTLE demonstrates that the organizations 2030 will deal with high dynamism and high complexity pressures from outside. The organizational responses recommended by Emery and Trist (1965) for such environment types are developing fluid organization structures, flexible managers and staff at other levels. Duncan (1979) argues that what real ly matters is only the management perception. If management does not perceive the environment as turbulent the organizational response will not be as described. Anyway the reality out there has to be observed, studied, analyzed and reacted in an appropriate manner to stay successful (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2007). Being under pressure of future challenges which come from globalization, new era of technologies, social and demographic changes organizations will have to adapt their internal structures, processes, strategies and leader behaviors to enable them to deal effectively with external changes. Many factors that define the workplace 2030 have already become evident alerting the organizations that the time has come to start preparing today for the challenges of tomorrow. PriceWaterHouseCoopers (2010) forecasts three worlds and business models for the future (Figure) This picture of life in tomorrow combines the events and trends which will shape the future and PwC suggests all 3 worlds can co-exist in some form distinct by geographic principle or industry sector. Researchers expect the following key trends to shape the workplace and workforce 2030: Talent will be worldwide. Social networks and future technology will increase the capability for talent to network and for companies to access talent globally and 24/7. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social networking sites will become ordinary recruiting sources. As social recruiting spreads from few trendsetters to all the rest companies worldwide it be essential for both employees and employers to develop new set of skills to be successful in this way (The 2020 workplace, J. Meister, K. Willyerd, 2010). But its also expected the War for Smart Talent (www.globalfuturist.com) to be continued and probably even become sharper. There is a serious mismatch between the types of individuals available for work and specific skills employers are looking for (Manpower Talent Shortage Survey 2009). Exper ienced candidates who possess the required skills will be heavily demanded by the organizations worldwide. Given the increasing collaboration and growing importance of teamwork companies will consider entire teams hiring as a competitive solution to the business problem (IBM CHRO Study 2010). Skills will be specialized. Cost reductions will be an essential part of business imperatives 2020 2030 leading to the dominance of knowledge -intensive work which will require an increasingly complex set of skills. Less generalist, more in-depth mastery of specialist skills will be required. PwC in the Future of work 2020 (2010) predicts that specialization will be highly prized in each of the 3 worlds (Figure ) and employees will do their best to develop the most sought after professional skills. An increased attention by the companies will be paid to soft skills as well like problem-solving, project management and collaboration (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2010). Source: McKinsey Glo bal Survey results Five forces reshaping the global economy (Based on online survey, in the field in March 2010) Another challenge the companies are expected to face in the future is multigenerational and increasingly diverse workforce. By 2030 3 or even 4 generations will have to collaborate together in one business environment having different mindset, background, expectations and live values. Most of the Baby Boomers cohort representatives who are now holding many CxO positions will have retired, taking with them lots of knowledge, experience and valuable expertise. It will force the companies to elaborate on ways how to retain the knowledge within the organizations developing new employment structures for soon-to-be retiring people (L. Gratton 2011). Or what we call retirement now will no longer have a traditional meaning? In terms of their characteristics, lifestyles, and attitudes, Boomers were the most populous and influential generation of all. They have defined themselv es by their careers and many are workaholics. Their work is seen as a form of self-fulfillment, status, and proving themselves, i.e., job titles matter. They have crowded into cultural careers such as teaching, religion, journalism, marketing, and the arts. Team orientation is valued. They are anticipated to work longer and harder (Eisner, 2005; Koco, 2006). They are very concerned about health and energy, looking for the sources to stay young, strong and active. Generation X will be in their mid-60s by 2030. They grew up in the time of economic uncertainty under the pressure of political and economic instability. Many wage and job opportunities for young workers were limited until the economic boom of mid-1990s. (Eisner, 2005; Lager, 2006). Success has been less certain for this generation. They do not believe in positive future time, energy, and relationships for advancement like the Boomers did. They have an economic and psychological survivor mentality and consider hard work as necessity. They had to compete in a weak global economy. Diversity and thinking globally are core values of Gen Xers (Cranston, 2008; Francese, 2004; Ritson, 2007). The core driving business force by 2025 2030 will be generation Y aged 35 45. They witnessed the fast technological evolution with the Internet, Google, eBay, cell phones, PDAs, GPS becoming an admirable part of their lives. Integral parts of their lives is globalization, global citizens, working beyond fiscal boundaries (Hawkins, et al., 2010; Cranston, 2008; Eisner, 2005; Dietz, 2003; Gerritsen, 2008). Most of Gen Y has a strong sense of autonomy and independence, quite adaptable and comfortable in different situations. With blogging, YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter anyone can become a reporter, producer, or social advisor. Social networking is a key distinction for this generation (Dickey and Sullivan, 2007; Donnelly, 2008). Gen Y demonstrates an entrepreneurial outlook and is more work/life balance oriented and less committed to an employer than previous generations but demonstrates high commitment when dedicated to a capturing idea. It has been observed the this generations vales life styles, career development and overseas travel and may be the most adaptable yet in terms of technological skills and values intrinsic aspects of work such as mentoring and training in order to remain marketable (Cennamo Gardner, 2008) They expect flexibility in work hours, dress code, relaxed work environment, recognition for smallest effort and constant feedback and value opportunity to downshift to reach a holistic self-understanding and satisfying meaning in life (IBM, 2011). Generation Z also called the connected generation, digital natives, the net generation (Future of work, 2012) is the newest generation and its hard to say now how they will develop as a generational cohort. By 2030 Gen Z will be taking an increasing role in society and business life. But what is known that they will grow up in fluenced by the factors described above in PESTLE. That is supposed to be a global and diverse generation. The technological progress and next generation of social networking sites makes it possible to build online communities that are more like someones closest group of friends. (Labi, 2008b; Soltan, 2004). PwC research (2011) revealed that Gen Z will be similar to Gen Y in their expectations. But some features will be even more vivid manifested like desire for work/life balance, rapid career progression, less concern about working hours, high interest in new projects and less commitment to one employer. According to D. Tapscott (2008) Net Geners: Want freedom in everything they do Love to customize and personalize their experience Want to find entertainment in their work Are focused on collaboration and relationship building Have a need for speed They will be living in the world where equality and diversity become a societal norm. Finally, theyre going to be smar t smarter even than previous generations. Their ability to process massive amounts of information quickly is actually preparing them to perform more mentally demanding jobs. In effect, an entire generation is training itself to handle more complicated tasks (IBM, 2011). Influenced by expected demographical changes described above organizations in Europe, North America, Canada will face the decline of Caucasian workers and increase of non-Caucasian. It is projected to double from 18% to 17% (The 2020 Workplace, J. Meister, K. Willyerd, 2010) While people managers are trained to deal with many forms of diversity, they will have to be prepared to manage workforce with greater diversity in age, gender and ethnicity. Social networks and virtual workspace. The rapid expansion of the digital universe and advancement in communication technologies will lead to the new meaning of being at work and create new ways on how people communicate with each other. Today for a number of jobs it is no longer needed for people to be physically located in the office to successfully perform job responsibilities and by 2030 it is forecasted most of the employers where the business allows will completely relieve their employees from working 9 to 5 office hours (Hewitt Associates, 2008). People will be free to decide where and how to organize their workplace. But Hewitt also emphasize that this capability can bring some employees new level of work/life balance satisfaction and for others its fostering workaholic tendency leading to lousy employees: tired, depressed, mistake prone, resentful, and eventually burned out (C. Salter, Solving the Real Productivity Crisis, Fast Company, January 2004). Virtual coworking will shape the future workplace. Worker s from around the globe of different nations, professions, jobs, social status will be united together by many discussion forums, news groups, and virtual communities making many barriers of the past obsolete. Rapidly developing Cloud technology will make services, applications and resources accessible from any device, anywhere, any time, and if charged pay only for what they use during the time they are using it Through unprecedented access to virtual space the world of knowledge will be digitalized and enriched significantly by user-generated content (L.Gratton, 2010). Approximately 500 000 new users are creating every day online profiles and maintaining them on a social network (IBM 2011) and researchers forecast this number to grow over the next decades. The future workplace will look like a place where people collaborate extensively, exchange ideas, and share knowledge. The value of an employee will be determined not only by results achieved but also by how much you contribute your expertise and knowledge back to the organization (J. Meister, K. Willyerd, The 2020 workplace, 2010). The expected growth in virtual-based content will impact many organizational parts from changing corporate culture and standards of how people share knowledge and communicate with each other to the ways, policies and norms of how companys management deals with security and privacy of this explosion of the digital content. The current workforce lifecycle has outlived its meaning. In the organizations of future individual careers are not based on relative or hierarchical moves but rather on reputational progress. Rather, people will choose the pace and direction of this progression according to their reputation and their own personal goals. Alternative careers will enable individuals to work and contribute throughout their entire lives and well beyond the traditional retirement age. In fact, the notions of retirement and retiree will be removed from our vocabulary since careers are based on the choices that each individual makes and not on the concept of seniority C. Benko and A. Molly introduced the concept of corporate lattice. In the new business world with heterogeneity of backgrounds, personal circumstances, expectations and aspirations it recognizes that career and life are no longer separate spheres but are now interdependent. This concept is expected to be a robust response to multiple changes organizations will face allowing to connect both high performance and career-life fit. Figure below describes how lattice thinking differs from ladder thinking. (C. Benko and A. Molly, The corporate lattice, ). The lattice structures an employees career path as multidirectional with opportunity to move across and down and up ensuring engagement of a diverse workforce driven mainly by desire to work for to be working with the best company, on the best projects, for the best clients, and with the best talent and team members. Source: Deloitte Development LLC, The Corporate Lattice (2010). IBM analysts (2010) elaborated and continued this concept by the next level of organizational development which can be expected by 2030 (Figure). Self-directed global-citizens will be managing their careers in a cube without limiting it to the frames of one organization. To succeed in the lattice-based organizations reputation will gain new meaning. This is the sum total of personal brand, expertise, number of successfully completed projects, r atings given by employers, breadth and depth of social networks, etc (J. Meister, K. Willyerd, The 2020 workplace, 2010). Individuals with a poor or low profile or reputation would ultimately diminish their personal brand and consequently have more difficulty securing opportunities and maintaining their labor rate against others. new employment models and employee engagement instruments that would help business navigate in the future Employee engagement is defined differently by different organizations and researchers. Here are just some of them: Corporate Leadership Council define Engagement as The extent to which employees commit to something or someone in their organization, how hard they work and how long they stay as a result of that commitment. The Gallup Organization argues that employee engagement is the involvement with and enthusiasm for work. When Hewitt Associates thinks engagement is the state of emotional and intellectual commitment to an organization or group producing behavior that will help fulfill an organizations promises to customers and improve business results. But all these definitions have a common base which is employee satisfaction with their work and ability and desire to go the extra mile and demonstrate outstanding on the job performance. Many things will be changing around and inside the organizations of the future but for the sake of sustainability employers will have to creat e a workplace where employees can build a personal and emotional relationship to the employer brand (J. Meister, K. Willyerd, The 2020 workplace, 2010). Basic human nature has not changed Basic human nature has not changed in 1000s of years and will remain in the future (R.J. Vance, SHRM Foundation, 2006): We want to be better: There is a competitive drive to be more competent and more capable We are social people: We are hard-wired to be part of a group We are meaning-seeking people: We want to make a difference Several sociologists who deal with generations and demographics researches suggest future generations particularly generations Y and Z will place greater importance on feedback, collaboration, self-fulfillment, meaningful contributions, skills advancement, respect, mentoring. The future workplace engagement model (J. Meister, K. Willyerd, 2010) covers the key principles that the future workplace must embody. The essential component is values which would be aligned across the generations and strong brand that employees identify with. . Meister, K. Willyerd (2010) argue there are different areas that contribute to the engagement but the model demonstrates the most important once: recruiting, employee connection, learning and leadership. These practice areas would be realized by organizations based on key principles: Collaboration: in the future external collaboration will grow exponentially Authenticity: key component is transparency through social media (open financial books, employees blogging, collective wikis, etc) but also in the relationship area. Individuals will be provided with instant reactions and feedback. This feedback is given or received in real-time, transparent to all, to and from peers, clients, and the community. This works to strengthen or diminish reputations, acting as a natural selection/de-selection mechanism inherently identifying top, medium, and low performs and making performance ratings obsolete. From all of this, individuals continuously evolve, seek and get validation of their skills and performance (The Economist, 10, 2010). Personalization means an employment relationship that responds to the individual needs of each generation. It also makes people able to exercise many more varied ways to do the job than in the past. Different types of working like modular job, matrix-driven organizational models, global teams, new options for work customization have just become the trends recently and will be the ordinary ones in the decades to come. C. Benko and A. Molly (2010) name it lattice thinking Ladder work norm Work is place you go 9-to-5 hours Work design is often repetitive and routine Work is often structured around individual contributions and results Job responsibilities are relatively static Job descriptions provide boundaries to work within Team often are co-located, permanent and work within an organizational area Management dictates the when , where and how of work Lattice work norms Work is what you do 24/7 hours Work design is often non routine and responsive to market issues and opportunities Work is often structured around team-based contributions and results Job responsibilities are fluid Job descriptions are based on competencies required to meet business objectives Teams are often far-flung, transitory and work across the organizational silos Employees have choices, within guidelines, about the when, where and how to work Principles Practice Areas Social Connection Values, Brand demonstrated by: Social Recruiting Social Learning Social Connection Accelerated Leadership Collaboration Authenticity Personalization Innovation Work arrangement shifts towards greater specialization (non-core function will be outsourced, focus will be placed on specialized competency) Individual compete in the global market for project opportunity. Team dissolve and reform as old projects completed and new ones begin New way of work Video Conference Second life-online virtual world where client and employee can interact with computer generated avatar Just in time workersOnline labor market in which company or individual can parcel out piecework to individual Role play in online computer game to identify leader. Individuals develop portfolio careers, working on a short-term, contractual basis. Work can be bought , sourced and trade through network Workers are categorized and rewarded for having specialist expertise and project delivery-related bonuses become the norm The responsibility for skills development shifts wholesale to Individuals People are more likely to see themselves as members of a particular skill or professional network than as an employee of a particular company. Employees rely on achieving high scoring eBay style ratings of past job performance to land the next contract.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Secrets About College Evaluation Essay Samples Revealed
Secrets About College Evaluation Essay Samples Revealed But What About College Evaluation Essay Samples? By turning into a customer, you can observe how we've come to be the most preferred academic paper writing company of several students. The web is main resource for evaluation essay topics. Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, and make sure you are getting the very best service our business can deliver. When choosing a topic for an evaluation essay, it's important to center on a particular company, service, product or policy. If after following the steps and taking note of the advice and tricks, you find it difficult to compose a crucial analysis, don't be afraid to ask aid from EssayPro. Moreover, our English-speaking writers make sure every order has original content and a suitable structure. Make certain that you have presented enough basic info and details, or so the reader will be prepared to agree with your evaluation. Getting in a position to present details, comments, and information that's directly associated with the sort of evaluation essay that you're writing can help you make a highly-usable output. After you have something down on paper it is significantly simpler to restructure it and flesh out areas that aren't as strong as others. Don't opt for a trendy new French restaurant if you haven't any idea what French cuisine should taste like. 1 thing that we highly suggest you need to do is to earn a draft or an outline of the discussion that you want to have. Rumors, Deception and Col lege Evaluation Essay Samples The previous movie you have observed. Your own personal opinion about the film must match the aforementioned text. Imagine you want to split the impression from the movie with friends that are too preoccupied to watch it. When you have to find independent information regarding a movie or restaurant, you're going to be seeking for reviews on the web. Though looking through quite a few evaluation essay samples can supply you with the assistance that you require, you might wish to consider asking a professional writer to create a personalized essay for you. One more thing you've got to take into account is whether the origin of the essay is reliable. Thus, don't be afraid to consult them if you stuck when picking a topic. Also, think about the audience and the way that it reacts to the topic of the topic. What You Don't Know About College Evaluation Essay Samples Developing an excellent college essay may lose its purpose in the event the content of what you've written is not what the university is asking for. Writing about a topic that you understand about is also useful. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about a coming deadline. You may also just browse through samples and begin your evaluation essay from scratch. Evaluation essays work best in the event the readers can determine the sources that you've used to produce the assessment which they are currently reading. Before you commence writing your college essay, you might want to see the essay examplesA that we've listed for you, so that you can have more idea on what things to put in the college essay you will create. What can set apart an evaluation essay from several sorts of academic essays is it can also be utilized in various undertakings within the corporate and skilled environment. If you would like to create a college essay which works, you want to provide importance on the content you will offer the admissions officer of your intended university with. If you wish to compose an evaluation essay and get high grades, you will be sure to require a strategy! Your college essay should contain information that relate to the instruction offered to you. Just because you've already written a college essay for a single university doesn't mean that it may also apply on your next applications. There are different sorts of evaluation essays and you need to bear in mind that each one of them have differences based on the objective of their creation. There is an extensive number of evaluation essay examples that are especially created for specific purposes. The criteria you choose are going to vary based on what it is you are evaluating. The criteria which you choose should establish what the ideal is for the item, service or brand that you're evaluating. In extrem e events, you can rewrite finished essays. Although the two kinds of paper do have some similarities, in addition, there are numerous differences that set them apart. To begin with, you have to think about criteria that you're going to be describing in the very first portion of the human body section. Once more, in the event the criteria, judgments and evidence are clear, the total thesis ought to be too.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Role of Urbanization in the Aegean Free Essays
The Aegean civilizations, the Assyrians, and the Israelites, though in the same hemisphere, were three distinct kingdoms. Each developed into its own kingdom with its own set of rules, beliefs, religion, and political concepts. Ultimately, each had its own culture. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Urbanization in the Aegean or any similar topic only for you Order Now Yet, there was something that underlied these three cultures that connected them in a subtle manner. All three of these civilizations underwent urbanization. Though the specific cultures of each civilization developed differently, the role of urbanization affected each in roughly the same way. During this period of the Late Bronze Age, commerce and communication boomed exponentially. No longer would kingdoms maintain their isolationist beliefs. They had to trade and interact with other cultures in order to maximize opportunity cost and obtain as many foreign goods as possible. This inevitably resulted in shared cultures and assimilated beliefs. Along the Aegean Sea, the Minoans had widespread connections to Egypt, Syria, and Mesopotamia. Similarly, Mycenaean Greece traded with many civilizations, including its neighbor the Minoans. The early Greeks were most likely influenced by Minoan architecture and pottery. Its sudden wealth also came from trade with Minoan. In the Assyrian kingdom, they also developed trade centers. They imported goods like metals, fine textiles, dyes, gems, ivory, and silver. Because of trade centers, specialization arose, creating jobs like artisans and merchants. In the Israel kingdom, King Solomon created alliances with the Phoenicians and thus developed a trading partner. Together, the Phoenicians and the Israelites explored the Red Sea to find any hidden treasures. The creation of urban centers helped facilitate this trade, and thus, expanded the perspectives of these cultures. Through interaction with other civilizations, cultures were shared and ideas, along with goods, were traded. Because of an influx of commerce and communication, a powerful military must also be kept. Urban centers helped control the military in order to facilitate trade. The Minoans and Mycenaeans developed strong seafaring skills and created wooden vessels to help them trade around the Mediterranean. They exported wine, olive oil, and textiles, and in return imported amber, ivory, and most importantly, metals. In the Assyrian kingdom, there was a superior military organization with professional soldiers. The Assyrians developed iron weapons, dug tunnels, and built mobile towers for archers. Not only did they develop military tactics for conquest, but they also used terror tactics to discourage resistance and rebellion and ultimately maintain control. As for the Israelites, David became the first king and he united the tribes into a monarchy. These urban centers established stronger royal authority and led to an army in order to expand borders in search of natural resources. Stronger militaries meant stronger civilizations, so urbanization helped strengthen the power of nobility and expand borders. Last but not least, urbanization helped develop societal structures, religious ideals, and art and technology. Unlike other civilizations, Minoans did not have strong, aristocratic leaders. In Mycenaean Greece, an elite class did develop. Shaft graves, burial sites for the elite, were filled with gold, weapons, and utensils, revealing that the ancient Greeks believed in some form of afterlife. The cities also had fortification walls and palaces filled with paintings from war and daily life. In contrast, the Assyrians used terror to maintain order in society. The king was the center of the Assyrian universe. Everything he did was mandated by the god Ashur. Through government propaganda, royal inscriptions, and ruthless punishments, the king maintained power in the kingdom. The Library of Ashurbanipal gives insight into official documents and literary texts to help portray the daily life of the elite members of Assyrian society. As for the Israelites, monotheism became the crux of Israelite society. They built temples as sanctuaries in order to link religious and political power. Priests became a wealthy class, thus creating a gap between the urban and the rural, the rich and the poor. In families, there were also gender gaps. Male heirs were critical. While women were respected, they could not own property. As society urbanized, their roles became more and more limited and specialized. While these little bits and pieces of everyday life in these ancient civilizations may seem insignificant, they are like pieces of an infinitely large puzzle. If we can uncover as many pieces as we can and put them together, we can approximate a picture of what life was like in these ancient civilizations. We can figure out how urbanization was important to the development of these kingdoms, and use these cultural artifacts to uncover what daily life was like. After all, artifacts are the key to our past. Without them, our past would be an elusive enigma. How to cite Role of Urbanization in the Aegean, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Why You Should Go to College free essay sample
For some people collage is a god send and for others it creates too much stress. For some people collage is a deep abyss where the credit goes to die, or there dreams. But for most people its true and very few actually get that fun times that you think of while in high school. one if you dont go to college you cant get a higher job and earn more,second you would need to get a prior knowledge to do a certain job , or just to get something that you would like to know, third you can get better pay. not all people are suited for college, but I believe that you should strive for a higher education. Topic Sentence: with a higher education certain jobs are easier than others â€Å"Individuals with some college but no degree earned 14% more than high school graduates working full time year-round. We will write a custom essay sample on Why You Should Go to College or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Individuals with associate degrees earned 27% more than those with only a high school diploma. this is just some evidence that having a higher education benefits you more. Also while applying for college you get to pick your own classes and different schools specialize in different things.This is prior knowledge for most of us or anyone looking into college or in high school That is just one example for going to college. next is the knowledge to do a certain job that can pay a lot of money. One of the great things about being able to choose your own courses is that you get the opportunity to explore. You can try classes in a lot of different subjects, or you can dive right into a favorite subject.this is perfect for those that dont like certain things can pick different things. You may choose to begin training for a career right away. Or you may pick a major after taking some time to check out your options. Colleges offer classes and majors in subjects you’ve studied in high school  plus many more that you haven’t.you may make different things. last of all things is the amount of pay The study states, â€Å"During a 40-year full-time working life, the median earnings of bachelor’s degree recipients without an advanced degree are 65% higher than the median earnings of high school graduates.†you earn more money per the degre. Individuals with master’s degrees earned 90% more than high school graduates working full time.this proves it because the intel is correct. as some may say its not worth it well i say otherwisewithout a college degree you can build up your own corporation. Why they are wrong using evidence: only some people like steve jobs built their corporations to great heights.The potential lines are substantial Why they are wrong using evidence: â€Å"According to the College Board, the average 2014-2015 tuition and fees at a public four-year in-state college is $9,139, and $31,231 for a private nonprofit four-year school, which doesn’t even count room and board.†Collage may be too difficult for you to understand. Why they are wrong using evidence: â€Å"If you blew off most of high school, or you simply had a difficult time understanding various subjects, then college might not be the right choice for you. If you attend college and you end up failing multiple classes, you will only be wasting money.â€
Friday, March 20, 2020
Agriculture Term Paper Guide Professional Writing in a Few Steps
Agriculture Term Paper Guide Professional Writing in a Few Steps A term paper is an important final stage of students activities, which he/she did throughout the specific course. Such assignments often scare learners, because it seems impossible to link different kinds of research into a single piece, isolate the key moment on which the report will be based, and overcome all possible barriers. However, in practice, a term essay does not represent a real complexity if you follow the instructions and perform each action sequentially. Moreover, the creation of such a report can be much easier than previous tasks, because its writing requires the use of already available information, which has been thoroughly explored during the study of the discipline. The agriculture term paper guide provided below will assist you in creating a well-structured term paper and will reveal possible pitfalls that could happen on your way. What Is an Agriculture Term Paper? Throughout the academic term, you have studied many topics related to agriculture. They could either be theoretical or be your own research projects. If looking globally, your agriculture term paper should summarize all the information you have received and provide the conclusions you have made in the learning process. In other words, it is a kind of academic qualification work: it shows how well you know certain basic competencies in the field of agriculture. The writing of a term paper is the development and consolidation of certain skills, especially your ability to create an independent text in the genre of academic writing, expound your own and other peoples thoughts reasonably, clearly, and consistently as well as observe the basic formalities of an academic qualification work. In addition, writing the term paper develops your ability to work with sources of information systematically and purposefully. All these skills will be useful for you in the future life if you decide to link your career with agriculture. Therefore, your term paper is the final research work, which purpose is: consolidation, synthesis, and deepening of knowledge on Agriculture; consolidation of skills in working with scientific literature and electronic sources; formation of skills for problem-solving within the Agriculture discipline; independent generalization, analysis, modeling, assessment of the influence of factors, and comparison of different points of view on the problem under study; summarizing the information studied; evaluation of the influence of the studied material on the formation of your personal and professional experience. Agriculture Term Paper Tips on Preliminary Notes Ideally, you should start preparing to write the term paper when you are assigned the first assignment during the semester. Mind that timely preparation allows you to facilitate the process of writing your final report to a large extent. So, every time you perform another task (for example, writing a research or theoretical paper, conducting surveys or field experiments, and others), you must develop the habit of keeping preliminary notes. What Are They Needed For? They will allow you to make a brief summary of the work done to recall its features over time with ease. They help to highlight the key points and topics that seem most important to you or are important for writing the term essay. For example, agriculture is evolving, the use of biotechnology is actively developing in agriculture, agriculture can positively affect the environment, and so on. They will help you to systematize the information received as its complexity increases or in the context of individual subtopics. In the process of making preliminary notes, you can state your thoughts, reflections or suggestions on the topic in question. For example, during the assessment of the ecological state of a poultry farm, I noted that the level of various toxicants is exceeded in feed and meat of birds. Therefore, the research on the ways to improve the environmental safety of feed products can become an important topic for future research. Such notes will help you formulate key findings for each individual task, which will subsequently provide significant support in writing the term paper. How to Make Preliminary Notes? Our Writers Know: Always have a sheet of paper for notes and a pen at hand. Take notes systematically, without missing a single topic. The notes should be short. Outline the key points only. The preliminary notes should be presented on paper only after the completion of the assignment done in order to have time to consider the topic comprehensively and exclude erroneous conclusions. Each note entry should correspond to the topic under study to avoid mixing information. Do not hesitate to ask your instructor or academic supervisor for advice. The preliminary notes will help you when writing the term essay, especially when you are describing your personal and professional experience. Selecting a Relevant Topic for the Agriculture Term Paper During the semester, you have to face a lot of topics. Nevertheless, the term paper should summarize them all and provide some general conclusion that seems difficult. However, you should remember that your thematic assignments intersect each other throughout the reporting academic term in one way or another, so you should find one general topic that affects these previous works directly or indirectly. The choice should be made as follows: View your previous papers carefully and refresh your memory regarding their features. Explore your preliminary notes with paying attention to the highlighted points. The topic should be interesting to you. It is desirable that you can continue working on it further. The proper formulation of the topic is the key to the successful completion of the final paper. Your supervisor will help you in this matter. In this way, among all your completed assignments, you can find a common theme that will become a key point in your term essay. Considering the past stages, it will be necessary to formulate all the conclusions in terms of interaction with the chosen topic. For example, during the semester, you studied the following topics: Use of Advanced Technologies in Agriculture; Agriculture the Evolution or Degradation; The Impact of Climatic Conditions on Agriculture; Contamination of Agricultural Lands with Toxicants; Features of Organic Farming; Sustainable Agriculture, as a Factor in Improving the Environment. You have the preliminary notes and a general impression on each of these topics. It is necessary to find the one that would unite all these studies and would be relevant for its further consideration. For example, the generalized topics may be the following ones: environmental sustainability in agriculture; ways to make agriculture safe and environment-friendly; environmental problems in agriculture and ways to minimize them. As you can see, the proposed topics combine assignments, which you performed earlier, which means that they can be the basis for the term paper. Key Points to Mind Working on an Agriculture Term Paper In order for the final essay to meet the stated goal, it must include three mandatory items that will disclose the characteristics of the work on agriculture that you have performed: The main thesis statement and description of the selected key idea. At the very beginning of the final paper, you should interest those who will read it afterward. The explanation of your main topic, as well as its problems, relevance, and significance for future research, are the basis of all the work done. You may express your interest, show your personal interpretation of the observed events and phenomena, and apply your own skills and qualifications. In addition, remember that you must adhere to the stated thesis or hypothesis throughout the entire writing of the essay and link all the analyzed items with it, thereby confirming or, conversely, refuting it. For example, the relevance of the issue of environmental protection in agriculture is increasing in modern conditions in connection with the processes of pollution of natural resources used in agricultural production. Violation of the natural balance of the environment is associated with the intensification of agricultural production without proper assessment and accounting of the natural resource potential of agriculture (the mechanization of many processes, melioration, excessive or deep plowing of fields, high concentration of production, use of mineral fertilizers, pesticides, and so on), which has negatively affected the quality of the soil and its fertility. Summary analysis and characteristics of the work done. In this part, you will need your preliminary notes and the information base of your previous papers. The best option is to break this stage into several ones, in each of which you will briefly characterize one particular study you have conducted. For this purpose, you need to point out the purpose and the main research question of each paper as well as describe your observations and thoughts that arose in the process of making them. It is also necessary to show results and draw conclusions. It is desirable that these results would be supported by practical examples from your works. In this section, you can add statistical information on aspects of agricultural activities. However, they must strictly intersect with the stated topic. Each paragraph should adhere to the initially stated thesis and explain how the work relates to it, and what significance the findings have for highlighting this direction. At the end of this section, you should draw a general conclusion on all your research projects and confirm your assumption regarding the topic that you have chosen. Evaluation of the work done and experience gained. This item will include your subjective vision of the significance of the work done. In it, you must raise the studied topics once again and then draw a conclusion about what experience you have gained and why it will be necessary for you in the future. For example, in the process of observing the peculiarities of plowing agricultural lands, I concluded that modern mechanical devices conduct excessively deep plowing of the soil, which can adversely affect its ecological balance in the future. The experience gained is necessary for future research and development related to ensuring the safety of the environment and minimizing the adverse impact of agriculture on the ecological situation. Also, additional points may be such sections: Barriers and obstacles identified in the course of work. In this paragraph, you can tell what difficulties you encountered and why they arose. Also, you can offer your or someones solution that will help overcome such obstacles in the future and improve the effectiveness of the work. Suggestions for future research. Based on the areas studied, you can choose one direction that you would like to develop further. It can touch the topics already studied directly, or be the information that you encountered in the process of your research accidentally and without planning. You can indicate the importance it has for the topic of agriculture, and what scientific value it can bring in the future. So, have a look at a possible structure of your agriculture term paper: Writing and Post-Writing Tips: Get Ready to Submitting In the process of writing the agriculture term paper, it is recommended to adhere to the following points: The final essay should demonstrate progress in your learning and gradual mastery of the necessary competencies. The primary core competency is the high-grade and adequate representation and reflection of the required information. It is important to demonstrate the skills of searching and organizing information from the specialized literature on your topic. That is, in the process of writing the term essay, cite peer-reviewed sources as often as possible. Arrange your paper properly. This point is especially true for the correct design of references, citations, and bibliographic arrangement of works. You must demonstrate the ability to work with other peoples studies and distinguish them from yours. Constantly work on your style and syntax of your sentences. Pay attention to how the texts that you read are written. Use appropriate reference books and apply correct words. Do not be afraid to seek help from your instructor. It does not indicate your lack of knowledge. On the contrary, it means that you are striving to make your term paper as good and effective as possible. In addition, the instructor can help you formulate an elusive thought or turn your ideas in the right direction. The Main Criteria for Assessing the Agriculture Term Paper You should be aware of the assessment criteria because, in this case, you can stick to them during the process of writing your agriculture term paper. It should be remembered that the topic of agriculture is very broad, so the vagueness of formulations and generalized characteristics that do not have a narrow focus can reduce the quality of your work. As a rule, the evaluation criteria for the term essays are as follows: The paper must be well-structured and organized; Your judgments and reflections must be supported by evidence; The content of the term paper must be consistent with the stated topic; The work should contain a qualitative analysis; An extended range of questions for analysis is desirable; The paper must be informative and reflect clear thoughts; You must use peer-reviewed sources and cite them correctly; Do not forget about literacy and accuracy. Finally, remember the most important point writing an agriculture term paper is not a difficulty. However, preliminary preparation and accurate adherence to the recommendations is the key to the success.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
The 3-Step Change Management Process That Will Boost Your Career
The 3-Step Change Management Process That Will Boost Your Career Over the course of 40 years, Dr. John Kotter developed an 8-step change management process. Its scope is incredible. And its worked in organizations big and small for decades. Do you want to lead change in your team, your company, or even in your own life? If so, theres huge value there. As marketers, though, we can take a leaner approach and apply it even faster even by the time youre done reading this post. This post is for you if you want to: Lead lasting change in your marketing team, Transform the way you (and your team) work, And become more productive than ever. The 3-Step Change Management Process That Will Boost Your Career by @jordan_loftis via @The 3-Step Change Management Process That Will Boost Your Career You will learn three simple steps to leading (and sustaining) change. Create a sense of urgency. Take action and find quick wins. Go back through the loop to sustain momentum. As youll see, each step is directly driven by your teams goal. At , we talk a lot about goals why? Theyre incredibly important. In fact, our own research shows marketers who set goals are 429% more likely to be successful than those who dont. Im not talking about fluffy New Years resolutions, either. (^^^ After all, the University of Scranton found that 92% of people who make those resolutions dont hit them.) Instead, were tackling specific and challenging goals, which the classic study, Goal Setting And Task Performance, found was a linchpin of success. Specific means there is a number and a deadline on your calendar. Challenging means it will achieve significant growth in your team, organization, or personal career. For example, you may want to leverage this change management process to revolutionize the way your team works. Leverage this change management process to revolutionize the way your team works.The Specific And Challenging Goal To Fuel Your Change Management Process We work with thousands of marketers in over 100 countries. Our customers range from companies like Microsoft to agencies and lean marketing teams. One thing unites them all: they are done with the old, outmoded, crappy way marketing works. Theyre sick of endless spreadsheets Theyre over confusing email threads Theyve had it with single-function tools that werent built for marketers in the first place We call the old way of doing things makeshift marketing. And it refers to mashing disconnected tools into one martech stack. And thousands of smart marketers are sick of letting it gobble up their budgets and productivity. While thousands have defeated this ugly beast its taken a dead-serious approach to do so. In this case, setting the specific and challenging goal of transforming from the old way things worked, to the new way. You have to overcome the reality of change aversion. This is our natural inclination to resist change and even to reject a new solution as bad because its different. You have to fight this in your team - and even in yourself. Setting a specific and challenging goal is your first step. It might look something like this: We will refine all of our marketing processes for maximum efficiency by July 1, 2018. Your goal specifically outlines the change youre after AND puts a date on the calendar. This is the focusing force of your new change management process: Create a sense of urgency around accomplishing your goal. Enable action toward your goal by racking up quick wins. Sustain positive momentum even after your goal is accomplished. Step One: Create A Sense Of Urgency First up, lets talk urgency. Recently, I met with my boss, our head of demand generation. Id been working on a project with a pretty important goal. And while I was working hard, my progress didnt have quite the velocity we needed it to. So we had a frank conversation. He told me, Were accelerating the timeline. Were hitting your goal this week, not next month. Thats right my roadmap had a few weeks left to make the project successful. After this conversation, there was just five days! Thankfully, Nathan didnt simply dump an impossible deadline on my shoulders. He offered to go shoulder to shoulder and help accelerate growth. And in just five days, we accomplished what Id planned on achieving in weeks. How did we do this? Urgency. Urgency is a force or impulse that impels or constrains. And its a productive marketers secret weapon. It makes you focus, prioritize, and then act. Urgency makes you focus, prioritize, and then act.How To Create A Sense Of Urgency With Loss Aversion Now, what is your goal? There are many levers to pull to increase urgency in accomplishing it but the most powerful is loss aversion. Research has shown: For human beings â€Å"losses loom larger than gainsand the pain of losing is psychologically about twice as powerful as the pleasure of gaining. (Kahneman Tversky, 1979) If youve ever done any conversion copywriting, you understand this. People prefer to avoid loss rather than acquiring equivalent gains. For example, whats more compelling to you not losing $100 you have? or gaining $100 you dont have? Psychologically, we work harder to avoid loss than to make gains. This is the first lever you can pull to create a sense of urgency. Ask yourself: What will I lose if I dont meet [your goal] by [specific date]? The bigger the goal, the more you have to lose by not hitting it. As depressing as this may sound, its actually invigorating to see whats really at stake if you (and your team) do not change. Step Two: Enable Action With Minimum Viable Marketing (MVM) Next in our change management process, take action and get to quick wins with minimum viable marketing. It helps you quickly test ideas to learn what works - and what doesnt - before you heavily invest into marketing campaigns or projects destined for failure. In Garrett Moons new book, 10x Marketing Formula, he devotes an entire chapter to Minimum Viable Marketing (MVM). He explains: The MVM concept stems from the minimum viable product (MVP) methodology, which was popularized in the world of startups by Eric Ries in a book called The Lean Startup. At their essence, MVPs are a way of quickly validating business ideas by producing the minimum number of features to satisfy early customer or audience needs. The MVP process decreases risk by testing assumptions against reality. For our simple change management process, MVM is the perfect framework for action. First, because it enables you and your team to rack up quick wins that get fast results and build momentum. Second, because it actually allows you to decrease long-term risk by testing ideas in small before you roll them out in large. Heres an excellent example Garrett cites in 10x Marketing Formula: Use A Minimum Viable Project Mentality In 1981 American Airlines was in dire financial straits. They were low on cash and high on expenses. This is never a good place to be. To pull themselves from the money pit, they cooked up what seemed a clever, homerun of a marketing campaign. To get millions dripping into their coffers, they offered unlimited first-class travel for life for $250,000. To most of us, a quarter-million bucks sounds steep (and it’s roughly $600,000 in today’s dollars). However, to the consumers who spend as much time in the air as they do on the ground, this was an incredibly good deal. A Los Angeles Times interview recounts one of the frequent flyers who took advantage of this deal: â€Å"We thought originally it would be something that firms would buy for top employees,†said Bob Crandall, American’s chairman and chief executive from 1985 to 1998. â€Å"It soon became apparent that the public was smarter than we were.†The unlimited passes were bought mostly by wealthy individuals, including baseball Hall-of-Famer Willie Mays, America’s Cup skipper Dennis Conner and computer magnate Michael Dell. Mike Joyce of Chicago bought his in 1994 after winning a $4.25-million settlement after a car accident. In one 25-day span this year, Joyce flew round trip to London 16 times, flights that would retail for more than $125,000. He didn’t pay a dime. â€Å"I love Rome, I love Sydney, I love Athens,†Joyce said by phone from the Admirals Club at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. â€Å"I love Vegas and Frisco.†American Airlines soon went upside down on this big bet- and they still kept it going for nearly ten years! Oops. This historic marketing blunder is a good lesson for us 10x marketers. Because this story is far from an isolated incident. Here’s how it goes. A giant X-factor company puts loads of money into a big campaign. Problem is, this campaign does more harm than good. And whether money is lost from lack of sales, or poorly projected financial impact, the big bet goes belly up. So, test your assumptions by building in stages to learn as quickly as possible. Use MVM In 3 Steps With The Lean Feedback Loop This method of MVM capitalizes on what startups call a â€Å"lean feedback loop.†It works in three stages: Build it. What projects or ideas will do you believe will help you quickly reach your goal? What lean version of this idea can you launch to test it and get quick results? Measure it. Is the idea working? What key data points who if youre toward your goal, remaining stagnant, or even shrinking? Learn from it. Based on key metrics is the idea working, and therefore worth investing more time, energy, and resources into? By working the change management process in this way, youll notice you are concerned with learning as much as winning. Learning is winning. Lets look at some example projects Launching A Podcast With A Lean Loop Build: Smartphone recording of pilot podcast episode shared as a key blog post. Measure: Measure traffic, number of listens or downloads, and listen to comments. Learn: Will a podcast be a viable marketing channel between us and our target audience at this stage? Timeline: One week. Rebranding With A Lean Loop Build: Start with core positioning statements, value propositions, and key messaging. Measure: Present the messaging to sales and target customers on calls for one week to gauge resonance. Record all calls for the marketing team to review. Learn: If the messaging is clear and relevant, continue to the next stages. But repeat this process of testing each major element before investing further. Timeline: One week. Adopting New Marketing Strategy, Processes, Or Tools Build: Get a free demo of the software with a real person. Ask questions specifically about how it would work for your team. Then, hold a kickoff meeting with your team to introduce them to the new tool. Measure: Set benchmarks for success. What results are you working for? What numbers will tell you if your new tool is growing them? Learn: Look at the data and make the call. Does your team like the process? Has your tool made your life easier? Are you getting closer to your goals? Timeline: Two weeks. Step Three: Sustain The Momentum Of Your Change Management Process Now that youve gotten results, its time to sustain the momentum youve created. There are tons of amazing books to help you get better marketing results There are game-changing marketing strategies you can adopt There are clever ways to 10x your ROI in short order but the truth is, none of it matters if you dont maintain the results youre getting. This third step is the most important. Why? If you rest on yesterdays success, you will be tomorrows failure. Thankfully, this can be the easiest part of the process. To sustain momentum, propel your team back into the process of urgency and action.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4
Business Ethics - Essay Example This applies to all the aspects of an organization and deals with both the conduct of individuals and organizations. The field of ethics is made up of various theoretical principles that represent ideas upon which moral principles are based. These theories are systematic and coherent in terms of guiding people on what they ought to do and how they ought to live their lives. The ethical theories can also be used to judge the moral values of one’s actions and behavior as well as predicting how one ought to act in certain situations in order to act morally right (Singer, 2011). Some of the ethical theories include the utilitarian theory, Kantian theories, Virtue ethics theory, the ethics of care theories and human rights theories among others. In a business environment, these ethical theories are used to guide major decision makers in a business to make appropriate decisions that uphold the morality of the individuals within the organizations and the moral values of the organizat ion as a whole. ... Organizations encounter a lot of ethical challenges that require the leadership of the organization to make relevant moral decisions in order to help the organization to move forward. Organizations are expected to uphold high ethical standards and ethical business properties centered on honesty, full disclosure, confidentiality and respect for other individuals and businesses. Business ethics ensures that organizations engage in ethical business practices with their employees, partners, suppliers and customers among other stakeholders. This essay will therefore seek to apply ethical principles to a business environment and to make appropriate judgments and recommendations. The four theories that will be used to assess the business ethical environment include the utilitarian theory, the ethics of care, Kantian ethics and the social contract theory. These theories have been relied upon in the field of ethics for a very long time in judging, explain and predicting and recommending ethic al behavior. This essay will rely on the four theories to reflect on the ethical dilemma that faced a British bank, The Northern Rock bank, based in Newcastle, England, in 2008. The bank was rocked with a funding crisis that exposed the ethical problems of the bank and its managers in decision making processes affecting various stakeholders in the bank including employees and the shareholders (Shin, 2009). The ethical crisis of the bank led to the bank being nationalized, more people losing their jobs and most of the creditors of the bank incurring losses. This essay will examine the situation, assessing the various management decisions that were made in order to determine their ethical and moral values. The essay will attempt to answer the question as to whether the management decisions
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Exchange Rate and Puchasing Power Parity Theory Essay
Exchange Rate and Puchasing Power Parity Theory - Essay Example Here, we will take a look at the concept that is the purchasing power parity and try to understand its implications on the currency exchange rates in the world. The best simplest way to describe Purchasing Power Parity, denoted by PPP, is by directly going into its application. So, PPP of the Gross Domestic Product for the countries around the world as of 2003, where we use the American economy as our base group and assign it a value of 100 would see the highest index value being appropriated to Bermuda i.e. 154. This basically means that goods that are sold in the Bermuda are 54% times more expensive as compared to those in United States. Now, the purchasing power parity theory makes use of the long term equilibrium exchange rate that exists between these two currencies in order to equalize the purchasing abilities of both the said currencies. This theory has been developed by the works of Gustav Cassel in 1920 and to put it in simplest terms, it is fundamentally the law of one price: the theory goes along the lines that in completely ideal and efficient markets, identical goods must have the same price regardless of the currency used in t he purchase of goods. By equalizing the purchasing power of different currencies in their home countries for a given basket of goods for different currencies, we can ascertain the purchasing power SEM rate. ... t are existent in a country as well as the similar rates of inflations from different countries as opposed to a generic nominal gross domestic product comparison. It is also a generally accepted notion that the most widely accepted and most often applied purchasing power parity exchange rate is the Geary-Khamis dollar; which is also known as the "international dollar". Changes in the PPP exchange rates: Purchasing power parity exchange rates; or what are known as 'real exchange rates' most often experience variability due to the exchange rate movements that taken place due to open market currency operations. Notwithstanding this type of value fluctuations, uniform variations of the market and the purchasing power parity exchange rates are observed. We have the example of the market exchange rates, which are usually priced for non-traded goods and services at a lower level than expected in the instances where the national incomes are also relatively low. This basically means that a U.S. dollar that is exchanged in Dubai for their local currency and then used to purchase body massages will buy a greater number of body massages as opposed to using the same U.S dollar in the United States to buy body massages. Purchasing Power Parity takes into account this lower cost of living in Dubai and makes specific adjustments in order to for it to appear as if the entire income was being consum ed in the local country. From another viewpoint purchasing power parity is the number of a certain set basket of basic goods that can be purchased in a given country with the money that is produced by the said country. PPP exchange rates and the market exchange rates: There can be immense differences between the purchasing power parities and the market exchange rates between any set of
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Social Issues In South Africa Management Essay
Social Issues In South Africa Management Essay In society, the population of the world is affected by social economic issues. This research analysis will focus mainly on South Africa, showing a list of the different issues found in South Africa, as well as listing the ways in which they affect the country in both the business and environmental sectors. The different types of social issues found in South Africa are listed below: Poverty- is an economical condition in which people do not have sufficient income to obtain minimal levels of health services, food, housing, clothing and education. These minimal levels are generally recognized as being necessary to ensure an adequate standard of living. The Causes of poverty are: Individuals who find it difficult to earn an income. Members of large families, where the breadwinner of the family is either unemployed or works for low wages. Lack of educational opportunity and an education of a poor quality. A high level of unemployment. Unemployment- population and employment play a big factor as part of the social economic issues. As technology increases, more technical knowledge and experience is needed in South Africas industries, even in farming, mining, manufacturing and service industries. Unemployment affects businesses by causing poverty. HIV/AIDS-the constant spread of this disease throughout the country plays a contributing factor to the social economic factors in South Africa. HIV/AIDS decreases the life expectancy of the population and effects businesses negatively because if one of their staff members has passed away from this disease, they must spend money on finding, and training new staff, which can be time consuming and decrease the work ethic within the business. Increase of population- the greater the population, the greater the demand is for resources and raw materials. Uncontrolled settlement development can also result in problems of pollution, health hazards, and inadequate housing and service provision, contributing to informal sector activities and crime.(4) Natural resources in areas surrounding settlements are generally under greater pressures than those in areas of less dense human habitation.(1) Water supply- with the increasing population, the use of water is starting to become limited. Scientists are already looking for alternatives to supplying water, such as the desalination of sea water, which is so far an expensive exercise. The issue of poverty relating to South Africa Summed up all together, most of the issues mentioned above relate back to poverty. Poverty leads to people who are not able to afford an education, or can only afford a poor quality education. The lack of education causes unemployment, and unemployment leads to crime. Besides that the uneducated populations are prone to make uneducated decisions relating to starting a family when you are not in the position to afford children, and this leads to unsafe sex, which causes the spread of HIV/AIDS. The impacts of poverty on the environment include deforestation from excessive collection of wood for fuel, soil degradation through cultivation of unsuitable soils, and exploitation of rare and endangered species to supplement incomes. An inability to adequately provide for the basic needs of the population will lead to collapse of the natural ecosystem services and deterioration in the quality of life. (2) Poverty also has a large impact on businesses. As a result of low or no education, lack of training and working skills, inability to access various services, poor people dont contribute much to their local community and can retard or hamper economic growth in the area. Poverty means that potential business markets are reduced and can therefore decrease the businesses ability to make profit. It may be wise for businesses to team up with government to alleviate poverty and to uplift the poor in their business environments as this will help broaden the consumer base for itself and all other businesses and benefit them in the long term. Woolworths limited What is corporate social responsibility? Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been defined by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development as the continuing commitment by companies to behave ethically and to contribute to economic development, while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families, as well as the local community and society at large.(5) Woolworths is one of the leading food retailers in South Africa, as one of the largest public companies they are aware of the social, environmental and economical impact they have on the communities in which they operate. As a result of this, Woolworths is big into corporate social responsibilities. They design and implement certain strategies to enable their company to run better, as well as benefit the environment around them. Woolworths is a company with a good ethics and morals base system, where their employees must obey the values of the company. Below is a diagram drawn up by Woolworths to show the distribution of their corporate social responsibility model. (7) Figure 3.1: Corporate social responsibility model of Woolworths. Woolworths has a responsibility for, and is committed to, the implementation of effective and efficient long term management strategies which address issues arising from the companys impact on the environment in which it operates. Woolworths is aware of the impact their company has on the environment and it is important for them to have certain strategies in place to solve the problem. An example of Woolworths contributing to the environment is by implementing the green bag which is not as harsh on the environment as the traditional plastic bag. Woolworths is also associated with the community and have a lot of fund raisers where 100% of funds go to providing food for the poor or it is donated to certain hospitals. Woolworths also participates in the efforts to tackle problem drinking. They have voluntarily introduced a range of measures (above the license requirements) to assist local communities to better manage alcohol related issues. (7) The one issue which Woolworths concentrates the most on is the impact that they have on the environment. Woolworths has realized that their company has effected the environment in 4 ways: Electricity consumption and associated green house gas emissions. Store waste going into landfills and recycling. Packaging used in their operations and by their consumers. Fuel consumption and associated green house gases in their vehicle fleet. Electricity consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions Woolworths looked at the following aspects in order to reduce their electricity consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions. Refrigeration Woolworths three major refrigeration service providers were asked to undertake a program to cost-effectively improve system energy efficiency while maintaining product temperature and system up-time. By identifying high output sites and those that could be tuned remotely, substantial improvement was noted in the performance efficiency of many supermarket refrigeration systems. Lighting Woolworths spent their efforts on replacing their original light bulbs in their stores with energy efficient light bulbs, and by putting special lighting systems in place to reduce the amount of energy used. Below is a breakdown of the savings delivered in a sample of their supermarkets once controlled lighting had been introduced. Table 4.1: Table showing the amount of energy used in stores before and after the new lighting systems were installed.(7) Temperature control most of the Woolworths stores have implemented a change in their temperature control. Instead of having a heavy on energy air-conditioner, they have installed an extremely efficient 6-tiecase fan which in the long run will benefit the business positively. Store waste going into landfills and recycling Key to this program is for Woolworths to implement various recycling programs within the stores to minimize the amount of general waste produced. Woolworths is involved in recycling most of their waste such as: Cardboard Green waste (recycled to fertilizer) Chicken oil Packaging used in their operations and by their customers Woolworths has managed to transform their packaging to environmentally friendly. They have trained their staff in efficiently packing purchases so that not as many bags are used. They have also implemented a green bag which is heavy duty, can be reused and is healthy for the environment. Fuel consumption and associated greenhouse gases in their vehicle transport fleet Woolworths has put a lot of insight to this issue and has come up with certain ideas to help alleviate the problem. They have discovered that by planning their trips they can be more efficient by making many stops at once and not going back and fourth the whole time. They have also invested in fully efficient cars which save on their fuel prices and the amount of green house gasses they emit. Woolworths is also investing money into a program for developing other forms of fuel that they might be able to use in the future. SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective. Below is a SWOT analysis table that Woolworths designed to plan and evaluate their project. Table 8.1: SWOT analysis Strengths Open door policy to the press CERES guidance and co-ordination active CSR Selective supply chain strategy careful food safety standards reasonably priced and high quality products Nutritional information available on packaging Decentralised yet connected system Innovative excellence program Promoting ethical conduct Profitable Weaknesses Inflexible to changes in market trends Difficult to find and retain employees Drive for achieving shareholder value may counter CSR Promoted CSR meat imports in error Opportunities Attractive flexible employment Positive environmental commitments Higher standards demanded from suppliers Corporate Responsibility Committee Honest and real brand image Threats Fabricated stories about the quality of their food Health concerns surrounding Beef, Poultry Fish Possible Labour exploitation CSR at the risk of profit loss Contributor to global warming (3) Sustainability Ecology is a means of configuring civilization and human activity so that society, its members and its economies are able to meet their needs and express their greatest potential in the present, while preserving biodiversity and natural ecosystems, planning and acting for the ability to maintain these ideals in the very long term. (6) The most important way in which Woolworths project is sustainable is in the fact that it is saving the environment and thus helping the world last longer and slowing global warming. Their whole project is sustainable as they are planning for the future and helping their business to be continuous. It is sustainable in the fact that the business will save money in the long term, and contribute to the end of global warming.
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