Saturday, November 30, 2019
Training and Development The American National Red Cross
Introduction The field of training and development has changed significantly during the past several years, reflecting both its role and importance in achieving higher employee performance and meeting organizational goals. Training and development has become very important as the crucial link between organizational status and the changes in the market or environment.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Training and Development: The American National Red Cross specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Training and development helps the organization towards having informed workers as paradigms shift and technology changes. This essay provides an overview into the training and development activities in American National Red Cross based on personal observations. The American national Red Cross The American Red Cross organization is an umbrella organization of many community based organizations in the United States that o ffer humanitarian help or response in case of a disaster (The American National Red Cross, 2009). The American Red Cross offers numerous training opportunities both to its staff, volunteers and general public. All training is aimed at making individuals prepared enough to handle disasters or conflicts. American Red Cross relies heavily on volunteers. It is reported that 96% of the total work force in the organization are volunteers (The American National Red Cross, 2009). These volunteers need proper training and orientation before they can be deployed to do humanitarian work. The second core aspect of its operations is training the general public on issues to do with safety and health. The training programs they offer to the general public aim at preparing the public for emergencies and general hygiene in the homes Some of the disasters that Red Cross responds to include earthquake related devastation like the Haiti disaster, weather related disasters e.g. tsunamis and floods. The most common local disasters that American Red Cross deals with are fires in homes, road accidents, and any other home or work place accidents. The American National Red Cross does not only deal with emergencies and disasters. Additionally, the American National Red Cross has blood donation drives and is one of the senior suppliers of blood to hospitals in the US (The American National Red Cross, 2009).Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Additionally, the American Red Cross works closely with the military. Wherever there are military operations, the Red Cross plays the role of providing support services and attending to the wounded alongside military health officers. Moreover, they also provide message delivery services for the military from wherever to wherever around the globe (The American National Red Cross, 2009). The American Red Cross works closely or in connecti on with the international Red Crescent Movement and Red Cross. It participates actively in the conflict resolution efforts around the globe. However, its major focus is on helping the victims of such conflicts. For example, conflicts and disasters often displace many people. Red Cross works to reunite and reconnect dispersed or separated families. The American Red Cross is part of the international network that offers tracking services for separated individuals. It also offers messaging services for people around the globe who are dealing with either disasters or conflicts (The American National Red Cross, 2009). Training and Development in the American Red Cross Traditionally, only commercial organizations were preoccupied with achieving effectiveness or a competitive advantage. Due to scarce resources, even humanitarian organizations have moved towards adopting best management practices for efficiency and effectiveness. Most organizations appreciate the importance of human resourc e training and development. Organizations are as effectives as the work force i.e. people make organizations become more competitive or better placed in the market (Armstrong, 2006, 85). Research indicates that only organizations that have right employees manage to achieve a competitive advantage (Craig, 1996, p. 21). Most importantly, such organizations invest heavily in ensuring employee skills and competencies are well aligned towards achievement of organizational goals (Aswathappa 2006, 34). This is ensured through training and development. In organizations, training and development is done for two major purposes. Training helps motivate employees while at the same time aligning their skills and competencies with organizational needs. This is to mean that training and development is important both for the individual employee and the organization (Cole, 2005, p. 75). It helps improve employee effectiveness and efficiency as the employee is introduced to more information or skills . In turn the organization is able to cope with changing technologies or social spheres. In the American Red Cross, training and development or capacity building is at the core of their services. Training is done to introduce new entrants to Red Cross procedures, to orient volunteers and staff to a given operations peculiarities or as a form of reward for hard work. After being too involved in the field as a way of refreshing the employees, training is one option available to them.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Training and Development: The American National Red Cross specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Apart from training for staff and volunteers, the Red Cross provides training programs to the general public that aim at preparing them for disaster. Individuals are trained in how to live in a healthy way free from hazards i.e. body healthy and environmental safety. The training targets families, individ uals and workers in different industries. The regular training revolves around such basic skills like first aid, how to perform CPR, swimming. These trainings are done by the volunteers across the country. All volunteers coming into American Red Cross are taken through an orientation. The orientation serves to introduce the entrants to the general work done by the organization. Orientation also helps towards aligning volunteers or new staff’s experience, knowledge, skills and interests with disaster program or service opportunities. The training offered by American Red Cross to its staff and volunteers aims at helping them to become better equipped in humanitarian help execution, training of community in health and safety and emergency response. The staff is equipped by cutting edge knowledge and skills so as to respond properly to disasters train others effectively and offer appropriate help in the appropriate way. Training Needs Assessment Training Needs Assessment is done both at individual, organizational and community levels. At the individual level, American Red Cross looks into the training needs of its volunteers and employees. Depending on their level of training and anticipated deployment, the volunteers and staff are given holistic training that enables them respond or work properly. Individuals volunteering with the Red Cross are evaluated on general knowledge in safety, health and disaster issues. Depending on whether the individual has had any related training or not, they are admitted into orientation programs or formal training programs. Most volunteers are specialists in the different fields and thus Red Cross training and development only works to align their skills and experience with the humanitarian causes that it serves. At the organizational level, just as Green (2002, p. 56) advises, training needs assessment is done with respect to particular assignments or causes and their peculiar characteristics. The organization continuously scans the present and future for risks, safety hazards, and possible disasters thus continues to prepare its people for appropriate response. When a particular disaster or challenge occurs its peculiarities are analyzed and arising needs inform training in the organization. For example, given the disaster in Haiti, special trainings are carried out for those going to Haiti. These special trainings aim at helping the volunteers understand what to expect and what would be the appropriate responses.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More At the community level, needs assessment is done with the aim of equipping community members with appropriate skills especially in the emergency situations the group is prone to. Community trainings are basic, however, needs assessment are done to establish the training needs of each group. Often community members who are interested in training in basic life saving skills come to Red Cross centers. The training for community members is kind of standard but efforts are made to contextualize it. If an area is prone to tsunamis, efforts are made to encourage given attitudes or understands that would facilitate proper response in case of such a disaster occurring. Components of American Red Cross Training Programs Training and development in organizations has two components i.e. new entrant training and continuing education (Laird and Sharon, 2003, p.14). Training and development in the American Red Cross introduces new entrants to the American Red Cross operations and build capacity of already staff and volunteers already in operation. The new employee or volunteer program aims at equipping them with necessary skills and information necessary for successful participation in humanitarian operations. Continuing education in the American Red Cross takes the form of sponsored further studies for employees. Once an employee has worked with the organization for sometime, they receive sponsorship to pursue further studies in line with personal intentions and the overall organizational manpower forecasts. Continuous education is taken very seriously as they help staff to be informed of dynamics that affect or continue to affect their personal growth and work effectiveness. The personal career development goals and the organizational relevancy are key drivers in continued education for employees (Gary, 2004, p. 38). Education affords them progress in their careers while at the same time enabling achievement of long term organizational goals. The new skills and knowledge a cquired, instrumentally helps staff towards better and efficient service in the organization. Due to the long history of American Red Cross, numerous materials have been developed over time that aid in training. The training materials include training manuals and syllabus that is followed when tackling the different sessions. New volunteers often are introduced to Red Cross’s guiding policies, procedures and philosophy. Then there is introduction to basic skills and competencies necessary in a disaster operation or when responding to an emergency. After the introductory or orientation sessions, new entrants or volunteers are attached to team leaders. From their team they are exposed in an on job kind of training. On job training is a mandatory aspect of training and development (Rae, 2000, p. 83). In the American Red Cross, new entrants are given assignments alongside other more experienced members of the team. This is necessary so that they may receive support and help as ne cessary during work or operations. Once one has acclimatized to work and is now an independent worker in his or her team, continuing education is considered for him or her. Continuing education as already discussed is important because is helps employees expand on their knowledge and skills. Additionally, it also serves as a way of refreshing after many tiring months or years in the field. Continuing education has two components; internal and external. Internal is when the training is done within the Red Cross training centers. External is when the training is done in formal institutions of learning e.g. universities. Training Programs Design As discussed under the Training Needs Assessment, training programs are designed depending on given work or site related peculiarities. There are general programs that aim at helping volunteers and general public to be more prepared towards emergency response or handling of disasters. These programs are basic and standard; the cover the same ki nd of topics or courses. The basic skills or courses include CPR, swimming, dealing with home hazards, responding to fires, and fist aid. Volunteers being deployed in the different roles e.g. blood collection, disaster response etc are taken through specialized programs. Such specialized programs or briefings are critical to ensuring coordinated and appropriate response at the site. Site peculiarities are discerned ad communicated to volunteers and staff. For example, if an area requires certain cultural or religious stipulations, the volunteers are helped as to respond appropriately. Formal further education for staff is encouraged depending on discerned future needs in the organization. It is fortunate that most of the volunteers and staff come with specialized skills. However, through training need forecasts, the future needs in the organization are taken care of. Forecasting the future needs of the organization is a critical aspect or function of the human resource managers (Sal eemi, 2005, p. 82). The training and development function in American Red Cross works closely with the staff and volunteers to identify talent for development. Once an individuals training needs have been established, they are either given an opportunity to train further in a formal institution, they are given senior staff to mentor them or just given appraisal that encourages them to think of further development in a given area. The community training programs are designed with the needs of given social units in mind. Some red cross chapters have gone ahead and designed programs that target organization in its area of operation. Such programs often aim and massive sensitization on health and safety measures and appropriate responses to accidents or disasters. The courses offered are often full day or half day courses. Some of the topics covered in such like programs include general hygiene, communication skills (proper communication is important in disaster response operations, hea lth and safety procedures, medication administration, stopping infection spread, dealing with contamination, rescue or disaster operation planning, handling operation related stress etc. Training programs Delivery In the American Red Cross, training programs are delivered in a number of ways. Often individuals are invited to the Red Cross training centers for formal learning in given issues. Formal classes are given and assessments done. The classes often have theory and practical sessions in which students demonstrate the learnt skills. The trainings are also delivered on a one to one basis. The one to one training sessions are often for otherwise busy individuals who can not fit into the general courses offered at the training centers. Of recent, one on one training programs are also offered online by some Red Cross chapters. Other trainings are delivered in the field, in other institutions such as schools or business organizations. The training and development instructors are wel l trained individuals equipped with learning materials and other technologies. Guided by the philosophy of continuous improvement, the training programs are always improved on based on changing societal structure and increasing disaster ranges. The instructors provide written reading material and other helpful tools for further exploration and practice by participants in training. Training Program Effectiveness: Monitoring and Evaluation The training and development programs are of no use unless they are effective and efficient (Sims, 1998, p. 113). Programs delivery has to be properly time, and professionally delivered. Additionally, what is delivered has to be of consequence or substance. The effectiveness of a training program largely depends on mode of delivery and content. The American Red Cross instructors continuously seek to improve their training programs by monitoring and evaluating the existing programs. Monitoring and evaluation of programs is largely dependent on receiv ing feedback from beneficiaries or participants in the programs. Feed back helps trainers understand what has met expectations and what needs improvement. The other way of ensuring effectiveness or thoroughness in understanding is by every worker becoming a trainer of sorts (Reid Barrington, 2003, p. 98). In the American Red Cross, every experienced volunteer or staff is a trainer. Their work necessarily consists in sensitizing community, teaching community basic health and safety measures or orienting new entrants. Follow up communication is another sure way of ensuring training effectiveness (Sims, 1998, p. 114). This follow up process involves participants being sent newsletters and other pertinent informational materials for their own consumption. This helps especially in communicating new ideas, changes or expounding on already well known concepts. Through magazines and other publications availed to staff, volunteers and other stakeholders, continued learning on American Red C ross operations is facilitated. There is also a lot of information regularly posted on American Red Cross’ website or the websites of its constituent chapters. Conclusion: Overall evaluation Having looked into the training and development programs at American Red Cross, it is clear that the training programs are elaborate and well developed. However, the aspect of employee development is not well catered for. The organization heavily on volunteers and does not offer much room for development. An individual entering American Red Cross with the aim of growing through ranks may not find enough space for such. The organization only offers opportunities for those whose goal is to contribute to humanitarian causes. The lack of clear development guidelines or even opportunities is understandable. The motivation for working in such an organization is necessarily different from why one would work with Microsoft Inc. further; the volunteers are expected to be people who are interested in contributing their time in kind of charity to a humanitarian cause then moving on to their desired careers. A large percentage (96%) of workforces in the organization is volunteers and that may explain why the organization does not have an explicit development plan targeting all employees. However, like in every industry, some of the young volunteers go into the organization in the hope of starting as volunteers but growing steadily to become full time employees. Although the percentage of permanent staff is limited due to nature of work, the organization needs an employee development plan. The training and development department needs develop mechanism that allow for a sort of career progression for young volunteers. If the aspect of development can be elaborately looked into, the training and development programs run by American Red Cross are effective enough. Reference List Armstrong, M. (2006). A handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 10th Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Aswathappa, K. (2006). Human Resource and Personnel Management (Text and Cases). 5th Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Cole, G. A. (2005). Personnel and Human Resource Management. 5th Ed. Birmingham: Cengage Learning EMEA. Craig, L. R. (1996). The ASTD Training and Development Handbook: a Guide to Human Resource Development. 4th Ed. New York: McGraw – hill. Gary, D. (2004). Human Resource Management. 9th Ed. New York: Prentice Hall. Green, G. (2002). Training and Development. Chicago: John Wiley Sons. Laird, D. Sharon, S. N. (2003). Approaches to Training and Development. 3rd Ed. Massachusetts: Perseus Books Group. Rae, L. (2000). Effective Planning in Training and Development. London: Kogan Page Publishers. Reid, M. A. and Barrington, H. (2003). Training Interventions: Managing Employee Development. 2nd Ed. Mumbai: Jaico Publishing House. Saleemi, N.A. (2005). Personnel Management Simplified. 2nd Ed. Nairobi: Kwani Publishers. Sims R.R. (1998). Reinventing Training and develo pment. Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group. The American National Red Cross. (2009). American Red Cross. 27th January, 2010. Retrieved from This research paper on Training and Development: The American National Red Cross was written and submitted by user Raina Armstrong to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Gatsby and the Frozen Moment
In today’s society, it is very easy to look around and see many people who live in their past. Walking down a street, one can still watch cars pass by with peace signs and equal rights slogans or hear blasting disco music from the 70’s. However, although the people in these cars enjoy the culture of the past, they know that it is behind them and can never fully be revived. They know that no matter how much they want the 60’s or the 70’s back, it can never happen, because times have changed. Unfortunately, Gatsby, in the book that bears his name, believed that despite all of the time that had passed and things that had occurred during his five years absence from Daisy, all could be revived. Therefore, he set out to reclaim his love, Daisy, and continue his life, as it had been in the past, unconcerned by all of the changes that had transpired. When Gatsby returned from his service in the armed forces, he embarked on a journey to reclaim his lost sweetheart, Daisy. He found her living in East Egg, married to a man named Tom Buchanan. He, in his obsessive love for Daisy, bought a house in West Egg directly across from hers. He would make extravagant parties with food and liquor, even though he did not drink, just hoping that one day the object of his desire would show up. He just wanted to regain that feeling that emotion that he had for Daisy. The one that he discovered back when he sat with her for hours just staring into her eyes and talking. He just wanted to relive that moment. Finally, after Gatsby met Jordan and Jordan convinced Nick to invite Daisy over, he had his chance. He sat with her again and tried to make everything as it was. He tried to recreate that magic moment in which he knew she was for him. She even led the reader to believe that her life with Tom was over and that she was going to join Gatsby in his world of the past. She chose Gatsby to ride in the car with, she made frequent visits to ... Free Essays on Gatsby and the Frozen Moment Free Essays on Gatsby and the Frozen Moment In today’s society, it is very easy to look around and see many people who live in their past. Walking down a street, one can still watch cars pass by with peace signs and equal rights slogans or hear blasting disco music from the 70’s. However, although the people in these cars enjoy the culture of the past, they know that it is behind them and can never fully be revived. They know that no matter how much they want the 60’s or the 70’s back, it can never happen, because times have changed. Unfortunately, Gatsby, in the book that bears his name, believed that despite all of the time that had passed and things that had occurred during his five years absence from Daisy, all could be revived. Therefore, he set out to reclaim his love, Daisy, and continue his life, as it had been in the past, unconcerned by all of the changes that had transpired. When Gatsby returned from his service in the armed forces, he embarked on a journey to reclaim his lost sweetheart, Daisy. He found her living in East Egg, married to a man named Tom Buchanan. He, in his obsessive love for Daisy, bought a house in West Egg directly across from hers. He would make extravagant parties with food and liquor, even though he did not drink, just hoping that one day the object of his desire would show up. He just wanted to regain that feeling that emotion that he had for Daisy. The one that he discovered back when he sat with her for hours just staring into her eyes and talking. He just wanted to relive that moment. Finally, after Gatsby met Jordan and Jordan convinced Nick to invite Daisy over, he had his chance. He sat with her again and tried to make everything as it was. He tried to recreate that magic moment in which he knew she was for him. She even led the reader to believe that her life with Tom was over and that she was going to join Gatsby in his world of the past. She chose Gatsby to ride in the car with, she made frequent visits to ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
ILLUSTRATION ESSAY Illustration is a form of displayed visual picture like a painting, drawing or a photograph. When writing an illustration essay, the major focus point is to create visualization through words. To make it simple, you have to illustrate something. As you are provided with a specific subject for your illustration essay, gather interesting details and patterns that will help you to show your object. Additional details will help to clarify the point. Use a diversity method, and present various patterns that will make a certain unconscious appeal to the readers. This action will help readers to deeply understand the topic. Another successful step is the use of brief short patterns that show ideas straightforward. Explore illustration examples. Illustration essay thesis statement must observe the subject and create a major point where you as an author will present your ideas. Keep in mind that the examples that are used in the illustration essay create a specific communication to the main point which leads to the successful illustration essay writing as well as the good college or university grade. ILLUSTRATION ESSAY Today, students are required to be able to write different types of essay and research projects. With a number of various writing types requested by colleges and universities instructors, it is hard to keep track of what is needed. But for all essay types’ requirements there is a specific list of requirement that must be explored and learnt in order to deliver the quality writing. Illustration essay has its own list of requirements as well, but our major goal is help you focus on the major points of this type of writing. Illustration essay usually would require you to illustrate a scene, event, or action and try to give the full presentation. You should use rich linguistic expressions and try to target your reader to imagine clearly the picture that is being illustrated. There is no necessity to show the eventual events continuation, but you can do a sort of illustrated ‘slide show’ with the help of the writing. If you require the illustration essay, we are able to deliver the custom quality essay within shortest deadline for you. If you have further questions, talk to our 24/7 customer support representative in order to receive full answers.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Synoptic Module on Economic Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Synoptic Module on Economic Policy - Essay Example The role of FX Trading Analyst is to watch over the market trend of each foreign currency since the market is very unstable. Prior to making any trading decisions, the analyst needs to study the economic foundation of the past, present, and future status of each currency that is tradable. Since the marketplaces are interconnected, a number of different rates (prices) have to be considered depending on what the bank or the market maker is currently trading. Given that there is too little or no available inside information with regards to the foreign exchange markets, the FX Trading analyst needs to determine the actual causes of the monetary flows in the country of the currency being traded. To determine all these information, it is necessary for the analyst to regularly watch the News or read the newspapers. However, large banks have a more competitive edge over the private or individual speculators because banks are able to see their customers’ flow of order. The analyst is free to choose between the use of fundamental analysis or the technical analysis. Both tools are used to detect the increase or decrease of the currency value being traded. Fundamental tools include analyzing the overall macroeconomic environment of the countries with major currency based on the news and currency updates on the GDP, interest rates, investments, international trading, calamities, terrorist attacks, etc. In most cases, a serious terrorist attack is enough to make a sudden change in the trading of currencies.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
How Barbie doll does promote traditional gender roles., effect on Essay
How Barbie doll does promote traditional gender roles., effect on gender behavior - Essay Example She is used to illustrating the personal variations on general common gender themes occurring because numerous forces influence all individuals. Barbie Doll is perhaps used to show that gender is significant and paramount to the identity of an individual. Gender is embodied and lived by everyone all the days of his or her lives. As such, it can be argued that gender is both an individual construction as well as is learnt by way of social arrangement and order, which promotes the persuasive standards of being male and female. In fact, the Barbie doll has been described as the toy that was designed and made for women to enlighten women about what the society expects from them. Some schools of thought assert that Barbie doll has significant issues that surround femininity and gender ideals. In fact, Barbie doll can be described to be the perfect representation of female sexuality as viewed by the society and as perpetuated by the media (Bothell 17). Gender specific behavior is a result of both nature and socialization. The society, largely, dictates how men and women perceive themselves. Both the male and female in the society identify the â€Å"self†as composed of both the individual and the society. Barbie doll depicts this kind of societal influence just too well. She imitates the female personality. She is used to representing the woman in the society who functions as a self-imaging tool. Perhaps a major impact that she has on body image representation is that her body has a general human body form. Perhaps to show that gender specific behavior is influenced by socialization and nature, one only needs to look at Barbie’s audience-children. Many academics believe that children are the most vulnerable to unhealthy body images that the doll projects (Bothell 61). Socialization occurs when children play. They need an internal representation that could as well be assumed to be true to all males and females
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Seven Design Elements of Customer Interface Essay Example for Free
The Seven Design Elements of Customer Interface Essay Our homepage is integrated of Aesthetically design and Functionally design. We emphasis on the look-and-feel of the site because hotel needs heavy visual element, so we use colorful and mostly green theme just like our hotel theme, it gives nature, warm, fun, and comfortable feelings like home (En Casa) and shows green hospitality that we practices. Moreover, our target market is more on leisure travelers, we showed pictures of our luxury resort. Beside the looks, we also emphasis the functionality, we use linking structure and navigation tools which facilitate the users moves through the sites. Like when people go to our website and click on â€Å"Our Global Home†, it will take them to the list of all En Casa Hotel and Resorts properties around the world, so they can easily access to there and have a look. Content The content of our homepage is offering mix dimension which means we include products, information, and services altogether. We show our rooms types, pictures and then we give information about the rates and facilities, we also put information about our restaurant outlets, spa facilities, meeting event and all services that we offers into the homepage so people who interested can easily look for our details. Community En Casa allows their customer to have a profile with them whereby they can put their information and their preferences when they stay at En Casa and to give a feeling of membership in our group. We also have Facebook and Twitter account whereby people can subscribe to us and have interaction between site users. Our homepage is following Non-interactive Communication type, our site presents static information and only allows unidirectional communication with them. Customization En casa has the ability to customize itself to each user. It has two dimension of customization, one is personalization, it means when a person come to En Casa webpage, he/she can choose his/her preference language, and next time he/she go to our webpage using same device, it will automatically set the language, he/she no need to change it again. The second dimension is tailoring by site, our software dynamically publishes unique versions of the site to address specific users interests, habits and needs more appropriately based on past user behaviour. For example when last time our guest already booked a suite room with a pick-up limousine from airport, when he is booking another room with us, we will ask whether they want a pick-up limousine again. Communication How our communication works is broadcast, which means one-way information exchange from organization to user. Broadcast communication can be in the form of mass mailing, FAQ, e-mail newsletters, content-update reminders and broadcast events. We applied One-to-Many, Non-Responding User, site messages are announcements that users receive without needing to respond. It is when we announce our upcoming events and promotions into our webpage. We also applied One-to-Many, Responding User, Site messages are invitations to users to submit their comments and responses. It is when our guests can give their feedbacks to our webpage or through TripAdvisor that linked to our webpage. Connection En Casa connection dimension is Pathway of Connection, which refers to the links to access additional information. And the type is Pathway-out-links cause the user to completely exit our website to go to another website but the content is still talk about our hotel. We applied this to Facebook page, Twitter page and also Trip Advisor. They can look for our information there, for Trip Advisor, they can book our room too. Commerce What we â€Å"sell†on our webpage is our En Casa Hotel Resort’s rooms, our facilities like FB outlets, spa, and also meeting rooms. For Commerce Archetypes, we applied Catalog Pricing, which means the price of goods and services are preset by us. Through our website, they can have reservation and do payment in advance because we provide payment facilities like credit card or debit card.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Consequentialism, Deontology, and Inevitable Trade-offs :: Philosophy Essays
Consequentialism, Deontology, and Inevitable Trade-offs ABSTRACT: Recently, unrestrained consequentialism has been defended against the charge that it leads to unacceptable trade-offs by showing a trade-off accepted by many of us is not justified by any of the usual nonconsequenlist arguments. The particular trade-off involves raising the speed limit on the Interstate Highway System. As a society, we seemingly accept a trade-off of lives for convenience. This defense of consequentialism may be a tu quoque, but it does challenge nonconsequentialists to adequately justify a multitude of social decisions. Work by the deontologist Frances Kamm, conjoined with a perspective deployed by several economists on the relation between social costs and lives lost, is relevant. It provides a starting point by justifying decisions which involve trading lives only for other lives. But the perspective also recognizes that using resources in excess of some figure (perhaps as low as $7.5 million) to save a life causes us to forego other live-saving activiti es, thus causing a net loss of life. Setting a speed limit as low as 35 miles per hour might indeed save some lives, but the loss of productivity due to the increased time spent in travel would cost an even greater number of lives. Therefore, many trade-offs do not simply involve trading lives for some lesser value (e.g., convenience), but are justified as allowing some to die in order to save a greater number. It has long been one of the standard criticisms of consequentialist approaches to ethics that they too easily justify "trade-offs" that are morally unacceptable. The criticism which holds "the end justifies the means" philosophy inherent in consequentialism to be a source of great immorality is expressed, for example, in the famous scene from Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov. Remember how Alyosha reacts to the prospect offered by Ivan of a harmonious world order, a system that would bring about peace and rest and happiness for all men. A lovely idea, but the structure comes at the price of torturing one tiny child to death. And Alyosha will not consent to that "exchange." A consequentialist response to Alyosha's refusal to consent to trade the suffering and death of one innocent in exchange for universal harmony is that, in the present inharmonious order, many innocent children will die horribly, not just one. Alyosha's tender conscience will cost thousands of innocent children their lives. And so the debate continues. Recently, however, a proponent of consequentialism, Alastair Norcross, has sharpened the debate.
Monday, November 11, 2019
1984 Dictatorship
The novel 1984 is based on totalitarianism and dictatorship. Big Brother rules Oceania, where the people are forced to listen to him and follow his rules. There are surveillance cameras and microphones set-up everywhere so that Big Brother can keep an eye on everyone and know about everything that's happening. There is no secret in this society, and one wrong move can get you killed with no one knowing, one day everything about you will be erased and you'll eventually be forgotten. Children are taught that if they see anyone suspicious they are to immediately turn them in, even if it is their parents. There are things like thought polices, who patrol around the area to look for anyone suspicious, or anyone who has â€Å"thoughts†. The reason I am telling you about this is because I believe there is some of that happening in our society today to a certain extent. We have laws and rules given to us by the government that we have to keep, of course it is for us, but that is what the people Oceania are told, that the rules and regulations they are given is to benefit them. We have policemen and people from the government around us; patrolling the streets to make sure we don't break the rules we are given. If we view this in a different perspective we are being watched and ruled by the government, just like the people of Oceania. Not only do governments influence us, but so do businesses. Governments and businesses tells us what to buy, what to do, where to go, what to eat, what to believe†¦ 1984 is relevant to the government and war because it is the first book which drew an image about a government that would use the societies freedom as a price for their security. The people of Oceania live their lives without much difficulty, they are use to their life styles and have accepted the fact that that is how they are to live their lives. George Orwell has written this book as a view of the future, how he saw the future, This was seen as a threat to the society at the time. It is surprising to see that the language can be changed so easily. The Newspeak dictionary aims to cut down on the language, from good, brilliant, excellent to good, good good, good good good. To us this obviously makes no sense but to the new generations of Oceania this was their language, When the older generations of Oceania die, the old language would be forgotten, and the new language would be the language of the people. Same goes for the history. The present generation would change the history, modify them so that Oceania would seem like the hero and this history is thought to the children as well so that as they grow us they learn the modified history and from then on the modified past would be the present past. The modified past would obviously changed again so that the truth would be forgotten. The story is told from Winston's point of view, where he views the society as a prison, because the story is told from Winston's point of view the story may seen bias, and can be different to what other people thought at the time. In a way, as a reader we are manipulated to view things the way Winston does. After reading 1984, you realise how different life would be without freedom, you learn to respect your freedom and dignity. You also learn the threat the government can have on you, and the impact they can have. The only problem about wars isn't the death of the innocent soldiers but the impact it would have within one country, the chances it may turn into a totalitarian country.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Review on ang lihim ng pamilya rizal Essay
That documentary was quite intriguing especially the thing about Saturnina and her uncle Jose Maria.It got me thinking for an hour or two because if it was true it would be a disgrace to the family. The events links together; Saturnina got pregnant, her mother, Theodora took her on a long vacation and then they’ve returned with Soledad the baby that Theodora claimed to hers and Soledad was meztisa just like Jose Maria. Some questions run through my mind like how did that happen? Was it planned?does Theodora did not raised saturnina like the way she have raised rizal?.Another interesting issue is that the Alonzo family was a bastard because Theodora’s mother, Brigada Quintos was not a legal wife of her father,Lorenzo and the only legal child was Jose Maria. It was cleared to me why Rizal did not live in the alonzo mansion. Also, that’s why the Alberto mansion wasn’t recognized as a landmark because family Rizal wasn’t really connected to the mansion. Today the Alberto ancestral Mansion in Bià ±an laguna is being torn piece by piece for it will be moved to another location. Many people are against it because that is the house that Theodora grew with and it should be treated as a national landmark. I’m against it too because Theodora was an important person in history and she’s the one who mold Rizal into what he’d become. Despite the fact that Theodora wasn’t a legal child, she is still one of the people that have a right to it. The mansion is full of Filipino history and to be destroyed just for a foreign coffee shop? That’s not right. At the end of the documentary, the most important thing I’ve learned is everyone can be a hero. You don’t need to have a good family background; you just need to prove yourself worthy, care for your country and countrymen just like our national hero.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on John Gotti
The American gangster has become as American as †¦say†¦apple pie! For decades people have both marveled at and been reviled by this genre of criminal activity in the United States. Few organized crime figures have completely captured the attention of the public as John Gotti has over the past 20 years. We have had our celebrity mobsters in the past. Underworld figures like Al â€Å"Scarface†Capone and Jack â€Å"Legs†Diamond captured the public’s fascination during the 1920s. In the 1930s it was a different brand of criminal that became popular. Bank robbers like John Dillinger, â€Å"Pretty Boy†Floyd, and â€Å"Baby Face†Nelson were the rage of what was known as the Mid-West Crime Wave. The 1940s brought us Benjamin â€Å"Bugsy†Siegel and the killers of Murder, Inc. Along with the glamour these individuals provided, their murders made for exciting front-page headlines, not to mention sensational photographs. While there were no prominent names during the 1950s, that decade nevertheless brought organized crime to the forefront, due to the efforts of law enforcement. It began with the televised Kefauver hearings in the early 1950s and made a big splash with the infamous Appalachin conclave in 1957. The turbulent 1960s passed none too quickly with its political / sociological upheaval and in gangland we saw for the first time warring within the various crime families – the Gallo / Profaci War and the Banana War. As the 1970s dawned gangsters began not only vying for newspaper headlines, but now television airtime. Mortal mob enemies â€Å"Crazy Joe†Gallo and Joseph Colombo were the media targets of New York City and the city knew how to promote them. Both flamboyant characters would meet brutal, albeit well-publicized endings. By the mid-1980s federal law agencies, with the help of local law enforcement, began to dismantle organized crime families across the country. In the midst of this effort, John Gotti stepped fo... Free Essays on John Gotti Free Essays on John Gotti The American gangster has become as American as †¦say†¦apple pie! For decades people have both marveled at and been reviled by this genre of criminal activity in the United States. Few organized crime figures have completely captured the attention of the public as John Gotti has over the past 20 years. We have had our celebrity mobsters in the past. Underworld figures like Al â€Å"Scarface†Capone and Jack â€Å"Legs†Diamond captured the public’s fascination during the 1920s. In the 1930s it was a different brand of criminal that became popular. Bank robbers like John Dillinger, â€Å"Pretty Boy†Floyd, and â€Å"Baby Face†Nelson were the rage of what was known as the Mid-West Crime Wave. The 1940s brought us Benjamin â€Å"Bugsy†Siegel and the killers of Murder, Inc. Along with the glamour these individuals provided, their murders made for exciting front-page headlines, not to mention sensational photographs. While there were no prominent names during the 1950s, that decade nevertheless brought organized crime to the forefront, due to the efforts of law enforcement. It began with the televised Kefauver hearings in the early 1950s and made a big splash with the infamous Appalachin conclave in 1957. The turbulent 1960s passed none too quickly with its political / sociological upheaval and in gangland we saw for the first time warring within the various crime families – the Gallo / Profaci War and the Banana War. As the 1970s dawned gangsters began not only vying for newspaper headlines, but now television airtime. Mortal mob enemies â€Å"Crazy Joe†Gallo and Joseph Colombo were the media targets of New York City and the city knew how to promote them. Both flamboyant characters would meet brutal, albeit well-publicized endings. By the mid-1980s federal law agencies, with the help of local law enforcement, began to dismantle organized crime families across the country. In the midst of this effort, John Gotti stepped fo...
Monday, November 4, 2019
A Scene Analysis of Julius Caesar, a Play by William Shakespeare
A Scene Analysis of Julius Caesar, a Play by William Shakespeare Shakespeare has been mesmerizing people with his written word for hundreds of years, from his sonnets to his plays. His stories deal with love, betrayal, murder, death, and even suicide; even in the story of Julius Caesar does he touch up on this subject. Act one Scene 3 is the part of the play where the meteor showers attack the city of Rome, and where Cassius admits how strongly he is opposed to Caesar’s rule. The scene is supposed to be a turning point for the show in the sense it is revealed just how terribly Caesar is viewed by Cassisus, and just how far Cassius will go to make sure he does not see him rule. Shakespeare did this by portraying his characters emotions accurately and appropriately. The scene opens with the characters Casca and Cicero both are public figures in Rome, both are discussing the fiery storm outside that is come out of nowhere. Casca believes it to be a bad omen of what is to come, while Cicero things it is nothing more than a natural occurrence. Once Cicero exits the character Cassius enters, he explains how he believes that the Oman is the Gods way of foreshadowing things to come, and that unlike Cicero he sees no reason to fear the Gods. This is where Cassius’ â€Å"big head†to say is revealed, he states this â€Å"You are dull, Casca, and those sparks of that should be in a Roman you do want, or else you use not†(Act 1 Scene 3 Page 3). Without saying Cassius has just insulted Cicero, and stated he believes there is no reason to fear the Gods, since they are simply displeased with one act and not many. This shows in his characterization that Cassius believes himself to be superior to others, maybe that is due to the fact he is a talented general in the military, and that he is quite sly. During the course of the scene he reveals that he would rather kill himself then see a man like Caesar rule his country. â€Å"Now could I, Casca, name to thee a man most like this dreadful night, that thunders, lightens, opens graves, and roars as doth the lion in the Capitol A man no mightier than thyself or me in personal action, yet prodigious grown, and fearful as these strange eruptions are†(Act 1 Scene 3 Page 3-4). Cassius is speaking of Caesar as to the fact that he believes that the Gods are unhappy with him coming to the capitol to be crowned king. In past scenes, Shakespeare has made it clear that people do not think he is ready to rule, but this scene shows how far someone would go to not see him rule. Cassius decides to go to the extreme, â€Å"I know where I will wear this dagger then. Cassius from bondage will deliver Cassius†(Act 1 Scene 3 Page 4). He would rather kill himself then see Ceasar rule, while Shakespeare has used suicide as a plot point in the past this one varies from the rest by the choices he made in the scene. Shakespeare in scene three does not leave Cassius alone to ponder his death in his head, he provides a friends for him to explain his plan to. Nor does Cassius give a depressing reasoning or say goodbyes, he simply just wants it known he is killing himself for a cause he truly believes in rather than for depression. A bond is shown though through Cassius and Casca by the fact that Cassius trusts him enough to share with him this plan, without fear of betrayal, and Casca understands his point of view showing how great the friendship they hold is. The last part of the scene is the turning point of the whole play. Cassius plans to trick Brutus into believing that Caesar is now corrupt ruler, which will ultimately lead to Caesars death. Making the scene a pivotal moment in the show, and one that no Spector could forget about. Shakespeare work will not die out easily nor will it be easily forgotten for those who read one of his plays. This scene is about how strong someone must believe in something to accomplish it, and the relationships people have with another. Shakespeare made this message clear throughout the whole scene. There are few writers who have that talent and ability, and by using his characters true emotions, placing characters appropriately together, to make a truly memorable scene.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Samsung's Corporate Social Responsibility Essay
Samsung's Corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example Center of discussion in this paper is corporate governance as a set of guidelines, rules, regulations and procedures which help an organization to run smoothly and take care of the stakeholders. These stakeholders include customers, employees, society, government, members, promoters, investors as well as all other members who are directly and indirectly associated with the organization. As a result of the increasing awareness among consumers and society regarding environment, health and safety, organizations have also started considering investing back into the society. Thus, the concept and application of corporate social responsibility have evolved. The general objective of Samsung’s CSR is to improve the conditions across the globe with the help of its various social programs contributing to the environment as well as people. Corporate sustainability includes environmental, economic as well as social performance of the organization. At present, the company is involved in va rious CSR activities such as, maintaining harmony among the society, people and environment, green management, social contributions, partner collaborations, integrity management and also, environmentally sustainable services and products. Samsung has been focusing on developing the lives of numerous children as a part of its philanthropic umbrella across the globe. The program has supported STEM educational campaigns which are critical for the workforce needs of Samsung. The various products which are utilized from the portfolio of the organization are also a relevant example of the numerous ways by which the needs which are expressed by the educator are met. (Samsung, 2013d). b) Partnerships: In order to contribute to the communities, Samsung has partnered with various government organizations such as, NEEF (National Environment Education Foundation) and PTA (National PTA). Through the involvement with these government agencies, the brand was assured that real needs of these commun ities are met with and it is able to impact the social lives in a practical manner (Samsung, 2013c). It also helps the company to better understand the sensitivities of parents and teachers and execute these programs in an enhanced manner. Also, the
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